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banallpornography t1_iwvyz6r wrote

Kiribati spent almost 10 million dollars on a bunch of land in Fiji, reportedly with the aim of moving all of their citizens there. To me it seems like a political stunt and unlikely to ever develop into anything, but it's sad nevertheless that's it's even a possibility. Now they are just using the land for food production, but who knows.

As an Australian, I can't see us offering citizenship or a mass migration of people without something in return like fishing rights. Maybe we would for a lucky few, but the masses would need to give up their sovereignty and land most likely. Just guessing though.


itak365 t1_iwx9d6h wrote

The deal with Fiji on Vanua Levu is still pretty likely to happen- when I was in Savusavu in 2014 Tuvalu and Kiribati already had small immigrant communities and citizen representatives there, I met them at the local fair at their tents. Cool people, but the struggle at the time was that Vanua Levu’s infrastructure needed a lot of work (in progress when I left), getting people over was another issue and there are only a couple big towns on the island (Savusavu and Labasa), so it was planned that by the 2020s and 2030s this would be more actively pursued.