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accuratelyvague t1_iy8630f wrote

Along with household appliances, museum artifacts, and children.


my20cworth t1_iy8buv3 wrote

Russia is lowering its self to mafia terrorist state status.


Who_Wouldnt_ t1_iy8ckgz wrote

Tsarists, Marxists, Leninists, Communists, Soviets, Mobsters, Oligarchs, whatever, all THUGS preying on every satellite state they can pillage for their own enrichment.


its8up t1_iy8qp2l wrote

Well, Russians certainly need something to flush down those toilets they've been stealing.


Martianmanhunter94 t1_iy8x4c2 wrote

That is a small amount compared to the ships of grain they stole when they took Ukrainian seaports


kalifilip t1_iy928la wrote

That’s the crop of one small farmer. 900tons is a small amount.


jagnew78 t1_iy97onk wrote

if you want to read some cool stuff about how blazenly open it is google Ken Rowe Russian Mafia. You'll read a story of a business man in Canada who invested millions of dollars into a Russian hotel to turn it into a destination spot only to have the russian mafia (supported by Vladimir Putin) walk into the hotel one day with armed men and just declare that they now owned the hotel.

He never got control of the hotel back but when a Russian Oligarch landed his private jet in Canada on a stop over Ken Rowe used his business contacts in the government to have the jet held at the airport until the Russian government agreed to give him his money back.

It's probably the only documented time someone beat the oligarchs and wasn't killed.


atomicxblue t1_iy9d6ly wrote

Just repay Ukraine from Russia's seized assets. While this doesn't help the people in Africa and Europe, it will show Russia that there's consequences to their actions.


Palana t1_iy9ebjw wrote

O, I've seen this one before.


Sinaaaa t1_iy9gxoj wrote

That seems like a lot, but it's not. That's like the output of two villages, maybe less. (it still sucks, just perspective..)


shkarada t1_iy9m7x7 wrote

Ah, yes, stealing grain from Ukraine. THE CLASSICS.


troyunrau t1_iy9pgzl wrote

Yeah, on the global scale, it's absolutely trivial. On the local scale, it is going to suck. At $300/tonne, this is about $270k worth of stolen grain. Less than the cost of a single house in most first world markets. But probably the livelihood of several Ukranian farmers.


LiaSul t1_iy9sa5e wrote

Corn? So? Look at what western countries did! Steal oil, steal countless civilians lives. Corn? Yaaaaawn.


my20cworth t1_iya26tv wrote

I know it's been like this and not a new thing. But recently it is getting in your face obvious to almost officially be acceptable, in even the political realm to formally recognise Russia in this manner.


Krypto_Kane t1_iya3a5v wrote

Isn’t that what this is over. Resources


policemenconnoisseur t1_iyadyau wrote

Good job, Russians, stay as classy as always. You're the new Germans now.


Belkor t1_iyafxz8 wrote

Compensate Ukraine using the $300+ billions in frozen Russian central bank assets.


Castilian_eggs t1_iyakb4m wrote

> Along with household appliances

Apparently Russia might be looting those from Ukraine for spare parts, not because Russian soldiers want to drag home a new washing machine for their wives. This does make sense to me, there are useful stuff in appliances that can be repurposed (things like semiconductors) that Russia has currently been sanctioned against.


bad_daddy_good_daddy t1_iyay60o wrote

A pathetic statement of the condition of Russia. Not even worthy of being a regional power anymore.


golson4141 t1_iyb9vhc wrote

They are fuckers and will pay


Asphaltman t1_iybbi6h wrote

900 tonnes is nothing. Sounds like they robbed a single farmer.


WikiSummarizerBot t1_iybceha wrote


>Y'all (pronounced yawl) is a contraction of you and all, sometimes combined as you-all. Y'all is the main second-person plural pronoun in Southern American English, with which it is most frequently associated, though it also appears in some other English varieties, including African-American English and South African Indian English. It is usually used as a plural second-person pronoun, but whether it is exclusively plural is a perennial subject of discussion.

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xXSpaceturdXx t1_iybjmi8 wrote

This is how he’s going to get his new conscripts, he’s going to give each family a bag of flour.


LowBadger3622 t1_iybkb5f wrote

Hot dam! Good guy moscvowaina strikes, again! /s in case it was necessary


AgitatedCat3087 t1_iybmvc2 wrote

Eh it's no surprise, this is the whole point isn't it?

It'll be sold to an African country at a huge markup so a Russian oligarch can replace his yacht. All it cost was a few hundred Russian and Ukrainian lives :/


Dayrailler t1_iybpxv0 wrote

900 tons of is that article relevant...i mean....900 tons. Its not that much...aint there something else we need to talk about ???


Moikee t1_iyc4uv6 wrote

Short term solution to their very long term problem


glokz t1_iychzex wrote

Can Europe buy that debt from Ukraine? They have like few Russian assets that could cover for the grain, I see no issue here ;-)


guyscrochettoo t1_iycmmto wrote

It is looking more like that everyday. It is concerning when the message coming from russia is that Ukraine shouldn't even exist and must be wiped from the map.

How satisfying it would be to see that message turned back on russia.

It seems to me that it is time to break up the federation. Weather the regional conflicts and struggles as countries and borders are re-established and then help the region create a new trading block that is governed by genuinely, democratically elected leaderships eg. more than one horse elections.

It may be a pipe dream for now but I think the future for the russian federation is very uncertain.

I believe that putin's name in the history books, instead of being compared to great imperialist tsars if the past will conversely be linked to the start of the end of the russian empire.


Christylian t1_iycnjsx wrote

As a British person who laments the lack of a clear second-person plural pronoun in the English language, I find y'all to be the most adequate thing to use. It still feels foreign to say though. Having both singular and plural pronouns be "you" is stupid, especially when other romance languages have solved this problem millennia ago.

In an unrelated note, you come across as an unrepentantly annoying pedant just from those short sentences.


Dedwin_VanCleef t1_iydmhsm wrote

Can we please just get rid of Russia, I am tired of hearing about them.