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LuangPrabangisinLaos t1_ixohj3c wrote

It sounds like Amazon workers get hired for the lead up to the holidays. If you get hired in October it's not unreasonable to assume you aren't a seasonal worker, and then to be dropped in January because your metrics are down keeps them from laying you off due to lack of work.

You thought you had a steady job - and if you're doing amazon you might not have many options - and then you get dumped because amazon just doesn't need you anymore.


killerhurtalot t1_ixp53gv wrote

Man... if you get hired in October, you're can 100% be a seasonal worker... The 1 month lead up is literally training for the massive shitshow that is the holdiays...


LuangPrabangisinLaos t1_ixr9whb wrote

Absolutely. But it isn't unreasonable to think some people might think they have a new job if amazon doesn't say it explicitly.


VoyBoyTA1922 t1_ixojrah wrote

You are right. Some co-workers felt that could lead to a steady job and Amazon pretended they needed us for a bit longer than they actually did, just to keep the workers invested in their job.


dont-YOLO-ragequit t1_ixojq3j wrote

The opposite is also frequent.

New hires in November and December doing it for Xmas Gifts or hires in January-February looking to boost their revenue for a mortgage application.

They do very well then start no showing after their 3 months


Stupidquestionduh t1_ixol52e wrote

I've owned 3 houses and each time they required pay stubs. Yearly income doesn't matter you have to prove when you made that income and if you still have it. The winter is a terrible time to buy a house because the market has crap homes on it.


Nukemind t1_ixorga1 wrote

I’ve only had one and was going to say the same. The bank absolutely scrutinized ALOT. And winter is the worst time to buy a house no doubt. I can’t imagine getting a job and three months later buying a house, you’d be laughed out. Now if it was a transfer or something like that, or just switching jobs sure. But not just starting a new job and assuming the bank would be fine with it.


dont-YOLO-ragequit t1_ixovmu8 wrote

I guess the 2 or 3 guys who tried it ever since the pandemic at our workplace just fell flat and moved on then.

Granted 2 of them did it for 6 months before leaving, one of them did say they were in it to boost their revenue.