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Jaded_Prompt_15 t1_ixubka4 wrote

Waaaay back in the day when we had a mutual disarment some US and UN inspectors were there when Russia disarmed some nukes.

They said that only 10-25% were functional, but you couldn't tell which until you started dismantling them.

I don't think Russia is trying to fire nukes and failing.

I think they're actually checking them all now, and anything that won't work as a nuke is being launched.


critical_hit_misses t1_ixwbn61 wrote

Ones that have been shot down have had their nuclear payload replaced with ballast


HouseOfSteak t1_ixvr530 wrote

So they're firing a bunch of non-explosive plutonium-headed missiles at Ukraine, or something?


Z3t4 t1_ixxdq3c wrote

They replace the nuclear warhead with a conventional one.


Immortal_Tuttle t1_ixwehop wrote

Nope. They are just using training version of Kh-55 as a decoy. Training version has a concrete ballast instead of nuclear warhead. Also the markings are different - exactly to not launch a nuke instead of training missile.