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t1_iy3metd wrote

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 77%. (I'm a bot)

> Türkiye, Sweden, Finland to discuss NATO bids in Bucharest.

> "We will meet with Sweden and Finland's foreign ministers tomorrow in Bucharest under a trilateral format," Çavu?o?lu said Monday as he spoke to a group of reporters after a joint press conference with his Turkmen counterpart in Ankara, private Turkish broadcaster NTV reported.

> "Sweden and Finland are yet to take concrete steps under the trilateral memorandum," the minister said Monday, noting that Sweden especially needs to make more of an effort to implement its promises.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: Sweden^#1 Türkiye^#2 Finland^#3 Minister^#4 memorandum^#5


t1_iy3o154 wrote

Strategically speaking, turkeys only value is a border to Syria (which they've been abusing) amd the Bosporus...

Both easy problems to solve... erdogan isn't worth it...

In light of revolts in Iran and china... if I was emperor erdogan I would be worried

Edit , edit... unless you're referring to Turkeys textile business.... you can replace e that ez as pie


t1_iy41cde wrote

By just reading the title you can tell OP is Turkish. Because that’s not how you spell Turkey in English.

Edit. TIL the was a name change in May 2022. Sorry I was not yet aware of this. And by OP I thought I was referencing to the article, by the same title.


t1_iy44yjt wrote

Probably not, no.

Controlling entrance to the Black Sea hasn't really been relevant since the 1980s because the Aegean is just as much a shooting gallery for modern ASMs and Turkey's ability to actually accomplish that control is questionable against any actual adversary, including Russia.


t1_iy49374 wrote

Reminder that when I as a Kraut am forced to call Weißrussland Belarus instead, it's perfectly fine to expect from Anglos to use the term Türkiye instead of Turkey.


t1_iy4bexd wrote

The name of the country in Turkish has changed. Do you see people in the Anglo sphere calling Germany Deutschland ? No, because Germany is the English work for Deutschland. Turkey is the English word you daft idiot. I’m really not sure why redditors have such a hard on for the Turkey name change.


t1_iy4g31k wrote

Like I said, wasn't downplaying turkey's geographical location, but with Russia being the aggressor at the moment, that does make them the bigger threat at the moment so being able to be in striking distance of one of their most important urban centres shouldn't be downplayed either, and doesn't the Suez kind of negate the black sea if we're talking shipping specifically?


t1_iy4khob wrote

Why is Turkey the only word in Turkish while the rest of the sentence is in English?


t1_iy4lu9e wrote

I will call Turkey the right way only if it allows Finland and Sweden with nato. Other wise it is going to be 🦃


t1_iy4xorv wrote

They can ask all they want. You can't reasonably expect people speaking about your country in English to start using letters not present in English. You won't see me asking people to write România and not Romania even though they sound quite different and would spare us a lot of misidentification issues with the Romani (which btw is a far worse problem than being associated with a bird).

Take a more recent example with Kyiv/Kiev. Imagine if instead of Kyiv, Ukrainians would have been asking us to call it Київ.


t1_iy54s08 wrote

"How many Kurds would you be ok with us murdering without you saying a word?"


t1_iy54vs1 wrote

demand visa free please I want to go to uppsala and give my respect to odin


t1_iy5qy6m wrote

How long before someone decides to start a Transatlantic Defence Agreement that looks remarkably like NATO only with Sweden and Finland as members instead of Turkey and Hungary?


t1_iy6r7oh wrote

How about we just boot Turkey out and add Sweden and Finland?


t1_iy6uk7w wrote

Your false narrative is disgusting. Türkiye's biggest metropolitan city İstanbul is home to 2 million Kurds, how would even this country be stable if it were killing Kurds based on their ethnicity? For the last fucking time it is Turkish Armed Forces vs PKK and affiliated groups not Turks vs Kurds. I am a Turk and my wife is a Kurd and our children, if we decide to make babies, will be mixed. What the fuck are you talking about? These Reddit woke simpletons who know nothing about Anatolia really get on my nerves.


t1_iy78r5m wrote

I belive that the terror in turk because of they did not trust erdogan to lead their country since the inflation is going to the moon, but erdogan belive that he might be a prophet


t1_iy7id5s wrote

This example is nuts and i'm only using the names for the example, no shade intended, bear with me:

Imagine that in America, Presbyterian churches in New England were also a giant communist mafia that killed cops and civilians and blew stuff up, while running scammy businesses everywhere. Factor in that a mostly-friendly country just gave their Canadian counterparts a big heap of guns and grenades to fight against the Westboro Baptist Church neo-crusader extremists that were beheading people in now-lawless and war-torn Canada, and those guns are trading hands with the (fictional) Presbyterian mafia who are ramping up the violence and threats.

Now change Presbyterians to PKK, WBC to ISIS, Canada to Syria, and America is Turkiye. This is what Turkiye is dealing with, in a weird metaphorical nutshell.

Seriously, stable or not, Reddit needs to figure out how actually tolerant most of Turkiye's citizens are, it's tiring seeing all the uneducated vitriol.


t1_iy7oil8 wrote

Suomi is Suomi. And all y'all idiots call us Finland.

So no... other languages and countries pick what name they want to call another country. And there's not much anything Finland or anyone else can do about it.

(Obtw... in revenge, we've chosen our own names for all the rest of y'all. So:




United States............Yhdysvallat


And we're not changing them back until all y'all call us by our rightful name: Suomi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

/this post written under the influence of salmiakki infused Finlandia vodka :P


t1_iy8f945 wrote

Why would they ask permission from two Scandinavian countries for that? Even the US can’t say shit about it.

And it seems like there’s millions of middle class Kurds living in Turkey and they’re also serving in the turkish military. No one’s buying the narrative that it’s just Turks against Kurds as a monolith.