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Bowbreaker t1_iye5bd7 wrote

They were harsher than most contemporaries on queer sex, or really any sex outside of the purpose of procreation. Pagan religions at the time had little such compunctions. At most they were against excess. Or looked down on certain practices without banning them.

As for what God is, Christianity kept one part and added two more faces (but oh no they are definitely not three separate gods).

Honestly, I can't think of a (not recently invented) religion that is more similar to Christianity than Judaism (from which it came) and Islam (which was heavily inspired by it), especially not Christianity's main rival to overcome, Greco-Roman paganism. Other older religions are even more different.

Anyway, you sound like you have a horse in this race. Like you are either Jewish or Christian and feel almost offended about your "real" belief being compared to the other "wrong" one.


3dio t1_iyf6ghd wrote

Christianity is not similar to Judaism. Judaism do not seek to spread itself and convert unwilling people etc. Islam is inclusive. Christianity is convinient and maybe loosley derived. There many differences in between. When you say more than most to what exactly are you comparing? I'm not sure i can take you seriously you seem highly biased