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RedditIsShit9922 t1_ixr4v1y wrote

35yo German here. Worst government I ever witnessed. Even Schröder was not as incompetent/corrupt as these clowns and that is saying something. Of course the nuclear shills on reddit love this though.


gburgwardt t1_ixrorqd wrote

You prefer Merkel, who enabled Putin and continued trying to give him money and tie the German economy to Russia despite them annexing Crimea?


ThisistheInfiniteIs t1_ixr5vio wrote

Yup, nuclear fission was never a good deal for anyone, this idiotic decision is a disaster.


Utxi4m t1_ixrappr wrote

You don't think the energy situation across Europe would have been a tad lighter if Germany still had its full fleet of NPPs?


ThisistheInfiniteIs t1_ixrbhyo wrote

They should have shut down these super expensive poison factories years ago and used all that money for technologies that are actually green, clean, safe and renewable. Then they wouldn't be in this position in the first place.

Nuclear fission is a failed technology, propping up this dishonest industry has been a bad mistake for years.


Utxi4m t1_ixrd0xl wrote

>poison factories

Please elaborate.

>technologies that are actually green

A 13MW Haliade offshore wind turbine consists of 1 ton of neodymium, 63 tons of copper, 800 tons of glass fiber, 4000 tons of steel and 5000 tons of concrete.

The 63 tons of cobber alone requires breaking of approx 50.000 tons of ore.

The neodymium is such a hazzle to extract that practically only China has environmental laws lax enough to allow it. Leaving massive lakes of toxic and radioactive sludge.

The environmental footprint of your "clean" energy is completely of the scale.


ThisistheInfiniteIs t1_ixry44c wrote

Looks like the NEI nuke shills are here

Are wind turbines dangerously radioactive for 200,000 years?


Utxi4m t1_ixsc17n wrote

>Are wind turbines dangerously radioactive for 200,000 years?

You don't even care about the massive environmental destruction your preferred energy source causes? You didn't even react to the staggering destruction a single turbine causes.

Is this a case of winning being more important than doing good?

Also, is nuclear waste dangerously radioactive for 200,000 years? No.

The thing with radioactivity is that the danger of it is pretty closely reversely correlated with the half life of the various isotopes. Stuff with a half life measured in seconds, days or months can really dose out some significant doses of ionising radiation, while stuff with half-lifes numbering in the tens of thousands of years is pretty harmless (from a radiological point of view).


ThisistheInfiniteIs t1_ixscoer wrote

More lies and distortions from the nuke shills

You fools don't get paid enough to sound so ignorant


Preisschild t1_ixu3x6u wrote

Materials in solar panels are not only bad for 30 years (as with nuclear), but forever.


No_Mushroom351 t1_ixrjoak wrote

Oh boy.

Somebody is very ignorant on nuclear plants, the technology today and doesn't realize the water vapor exhaust of nuclear is CO2 free.

Tell me more about the solar batteries! How toxic are they by comparison?


Fuckyourdatareddit t1_ixs4nqd wrote

How much CO2 is released building nuclear plants again 🤔


SoggyBiscuit7835 t1_ixsdkbs wrote

Quite a lot but if you divide that by the energy yielded it's actually very favourable.


Preisschild t1_ixu41uz wrote

Not as much over the lifespan of the plant as other energy sources like hydro.


ThisistheInfiniteIs t1_ixrybpp wrote

Predictable nuke shill spreading the "nuclear fission is zero carbon" lie again.

Are batteries dangerously radioactive for 200,000 years?


No_Mushroom351 t1_ixs858p wrote

lol. A swimming pool of spent fuel rods powers 150 million homes. Yeah. A swimming pool

Don't think you even realize these spent fuels are transported on the highway all the time. You can stand next to one of the containers for a year and you won't even get a fraction of what the sun gives you. They've driven past you for more than half a century and you weren't even aware.

Also, most modern reactors can even run off recycled spent fuel rods.

Is it reactive? Yes. Then put a foot of material between you and you're fine.

Btw it's not glowing liquid goo in drums.

Everyone crying about it has zero understanding of how the plants today operate, what protocols are already in place, how radiation works on a physical level, etc.

If you even knew what material those batteries are made of, how lithium is mined and transported, how much ore has to be processed to make a single windmill...

I like green energy, I just think people that downplay nuclear are extremely ignorant on physics.


Dumpster_Buddy t1_ixs9190 wrote

Lmao I thought you were talking about oil and coal.

What world do you live in that nuclear power plants are more toxic than the current standard of oil and coal? Are you dumb or are you working for BPs marketing department? Just going to ignore the ecological damage coal and oil gas has done compared to ecological damage nuclear power plants have done. Last major nuclear power plant disaster was over a decade ago, the damage to area surrounding to it was not major, as compared to I don’t know deep horizon oil spill that is still causing problems for the entire gulf coast 12 years later.


ThisistheInfiniteIs t1_ixsb5l3 wrote

The nuke bro shills are thick in this thread

So many ,lies and distortions from the industry troll farms. The nuclear industry is one of the most corrupt on the planet.

Nuclear fission was never a good deal for anybody but the few companies that hire out these troll farms and collect the short term profit while leaving future taxpayers to manage the super dangerous and toxic radioactive waste for the next 200,000 years.

They are worse than the tobacco and the pharmaceutical industries combined, leaving behind thousands of radioactive sites across the globe
