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Long_PoolCool t1_ixl1pc0 wrote

I wonder if the Kim's would agree to "give up" North Korea to the south, if they get immunity and a few million on money, so that they and their children don't need to work. And get can an apartment in China or South Korea.

Must be shit for them to be born into that situation too


ResidentStudy3144 t1_ixl54lh wrote

It is unlikely to happen. They may want money, they surely prefer want power and control first ( currently they have control over 25 million of North Koreans and a large army ) They are unlikely to give away so much power to void even if each 1 of them gets 100 billion US$.


[deleted] t1_ixlcp37 wrote

Yeah, that'll never happen. One, China would never let that happen. Two, they still do have nukes with which they can practically threaten the world with. Three, they control an entire country, which is far far more power than they'll have if they give up.