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SavageTiger435612 t1_j13bz0h wrote

Ah yes. Because nothing works better than telling someone else to tell someone to do it for them


Nervous_Promotion819 t1_j13f1sx wrote

It makes sense, because China has a much better hold on Russia nowadays, and Xi is far more likely to convince Putin to do something than any Western leader


CutiePopIceberg t1_j13g9tg wrote

True! People been asking xi to get off his ass since this started. But evil shitbagz be evil shitbagging. So im not expecting anything helpful for humanity from xi. Ever.


Kanden_27 t1_j14fsrv wrote

Reminds me of that my hero academia episode where deku couldn’t get his explode friend to listen to him. But he knew that his red headed skin hardening friend could get through to him.
