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Pafkay t1_j1tpelo wrote

WTF is wrong with these arsehole countries, internal pressures as a result of our own incompetence and stupid policies, we know how to fix it lets starts messing with other countries to divert the attention away. Instead of starting wars or building nukes how about just not being a dick?


WaytooReddit t1_j1u3nt3 wrote

They are just following the playbook of the global powers. It’s not like their were consequences when they did it.


allrollingwolf t1_j1v9h3i wrote

Not sure why you’re being downvoted. The West has shown itself to be weak; allowing anything.


VegetableTechnology2 t1_j1vsgfu wrote

The "west" intervenes: "oh no, the tyrannical west"

The "west" doesn't intervene: "oh no, the tyrannical west"


allrollingwolf t1_j1vyn2w wrote

Naw I’m all for intervention. But I’m more talking about the economic and political infiltration that the east gets away with here.


WaytooReddit t1_j28pja8 wrote

For all the downvotes the USA and it’s allies invaded Iraq illegally and suffered no consequences. But then again it’s rules for thee not for me. You downvote that as well.