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Green_Statistician11 t1_j1vitvk wrote

The US literaly destroys countries and economies if they even look the wrong direction for one second, installing the worst trash human kind has ever seen in positions of power if they swear their undying allegiance to the CIA .. oh i meant the US.. Please dont fool yourselv.. the US isnt the "good guy uncle sam" .. thats all just PR.. the reality is that theres nothing and i mean absolutely nothing the US would not do to keep their dominance over the world no matter how many humans suffer from it.. as long as its far away, its ok to an extent.. But on the same hand, the US and Capitalism is better then any of the alternatives.. looking at you, communism, you repressive piece of shit.. i like our world .. but we all need to work together to make it better.. which means you also cant lie or talk stuff better then it is or you block yourself AND the person you are talking to from ever understanding the whole picture.


BBsmoothLSD t1_j1vul87 wrote

I dunno China and Russia both seem to be actively engaged in genocide so it’s pretty clear who the bad guys are this time around. Sorry your narrative is dying tho