Submitted by No_Dependent_5066 t3_zw7rqe in worldnews
GarlicBreadRules t1_j1tb7z5 wrote
I hope the two US Marine brigades and the Marine Air Wing like being stationed there.
[deleted] t1_j1tb8yv wrote
autotldr t1_j1tf3x9 wrote
This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 69%. (I'm a bot)
> China responded to that visit by holding what was then its biggest-ever military exercises in the seas around Taiwan, and also blocked some trade with the island.
> China has never said it would not use force to bring Taiwan under its control.
> China said it had conducted "Strike drills" around Taiwan on Sunday in response to what it said was provocation from the island and the US. A White House National Security Council official said the US was concerned by the latest development, adding it would "Continue to assist Taiwan in maintaining a sufficient self-defence capability in line with our long-standing commitments and consistent with our one-China policy".
Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: Taiwan^#1 China^#2 island^#3 policy^#4 around^#5
[deleted] t1_j1tgrl6 wrote
Pafkay t1_j1tpelo wrote
WTF is wrong with these arsehole countries, internal pressures as a result of our own incompetence and stupid policies, we know how to fix it lets starts messing with other countries to divert the attention away. Instead of starting wars or building nukes how about just not being a dick?
Most_Ruin_3005 t1_j1tvbbe wrote
China's in for a ride awakening if it thinks it can successfully invade Taiwan whilst the US has effectively infinite budget and manufacturing capability to send a steady stream of current and next-genetation weapons and materiel to Taiwan and other allies in the area.
The war in Ukraine has kicked the US's wartime production ecosystem into gear, and we're churning out all kinds of stuff to replace what we're sending out. We have enough spare weapons to adequately arm Taiwan for years.
pp_in_a_pitcher t1_j1twubr wrote
I think they can reach some sort of compromise regarding this, both china and US don’t want a war and both are dependent on eachother to maintain their economic superiority, all this stupid war stuff is just a diversion from the common recession problems the world is facing and to justify funding technological and state necessary industries and fill the politicians pockets
WaytooReddit t1_j1u3nt3 wrote
They are just following the playbook of the global powers. It’s not like their were consequences when they did it.
[deleted] t1_j1ujtoj wrote
Flynn402 t1_j1uoe4e wrote
I hope others understand why countries need to arm up and the importance of having the ability and preparedness to defend themselves. Everyone vilifies the US and it’s not perfect but I guarentee you this is the best version of the world. There is no other “good” super power who doesn’t want to see the whole world submit to its will. The United States has been the only Vanguard of freedom around the world for over the last 100 years. I’d rather have a few bad things happen then a guaranteed destruction of global freedom if the US stops its military and let’s genuinely bad people take its place. That’s how it works there is no but ifs or should it’s facts and reality it’s unfortunate but just like gravity you can’t deny it or avoid it. It obviously could be better but what couldn’t be better? Everything could improve.
[deleted] t1_j1upnps wrote
corp_code_slinger t1_j1urs4o wrote
You're not wrong, but what you're describing is a reason for China to make a move now instead of later.
The problem is from China's standpoint there will probably never be a better time than now. What are they going to do, wait another couple years and give Taiwan more time to prepare, give the US more time to assist Taiwan, and give the chip ban more time to bite?
They may also be betting that the US doesn't want to deal with multiple fronts at once between assisting Ukraine and also needing to come to Taiwan's aid, even though we will because we don't have a choice until we've built up the supply chain at home.
ozspook t1_j1v81k2 wrote
82 years, really.. The U.S had a bunch of non-interventionist policies before 1940.
allrollingwolf t1_j1v9h3i wrote
Not sure why you’re being downvoted. The West has shown itself to be weak; allowing anything.
Ok-Theory9963 t1_j1vctqx wrote
GoldenMegaStaff t1_j1vfsp9 wrote
Checks Russia getting their ass kicked. Weak?
Different_Delay8499 t1_j1vh9lc wrote
Thats what propaganda does to a person.
Green_Statistician11 t1_j1vitvk wrote
The US literaly destroys countries and economies if they even look the wrong direction for one second, installing the worst trash human kind has ever seen in positions of power if they swear their undying allegiance to the CIA .. oh i meant the US.. Please dont fool yourselv.. the US isnt the "good guy uncle sam" .. thats all just PR.. the reality is that theres nothing and i mean absolutely nothing the US would not do to keep their dominance over the world no matter how many humans suffer from it.. as long as its far away, its ok to an extent.. But on the same hand, the US and Capitalism is better then any of the alternatives.. looking at you, communism, you repressive piece of shit.. i like our world .. but we all need to work together to make it better.. which means you also cant lie or talk stuff better then it is or you block yourself AND the person you are talking to from ever understanding the whole picture.
[deleted] t1_j1vqop0 wrote
VegetableTechnology2 t1_j1vsgfu wrote
The "west" intervenes: "oh no, the tyrannical west"
The "west" doesn't intervene: "oh no, the tyrannical west"
BBsmoothLSD t1_j1vul87 wrote
I dunno China and Russia both seem to be actively engaged in genocide so it’s pretty clear who the bad guys are this time around. Sorry your narrative is dying tho
allrollingwolf t1_j1vyn2w wrote
Naw I’m all for intervention. But I’m more talking about the economic and political infiltration that the east gets away with here.
Devourer_of_felines t1_j1w8oag wrote
Eh, we’ve seen what a world where european nations were the dominant global powers looked like in the 1800s and early 1900s.
Flynn402 t1_j1wc811 wrote
Propaganda? You tell me what other super power you want controlling the world. Have you seen what Russia has done in Ukraine? Have you seen what China has done in Hong Kong? Stop being a fool talking on your high horse bitching and complaining. This is the real world your feelings and beliefs are not practical given the world we live in. I’m sorry you can’t understand that there are terrible countries in this world that want to do truly bad things on a global scale and the US is the protecter-it of it. You give me another solution please before you give some sorry half ass explanation. How do you stop the bad countries like Russia and China in this world without having an equally powerful good country? You are a fool my friend a fool
Flynn402 t1_j1wc8or wrote
Propaganda? You tell me what other super power you want controlling the world. Have you seen what Russia has done in Ukraine? Have you seen what China has done in Hong Kong? Stop being a fool talking on your high horse bitching and complaining. This is the real world your feelings and beliefs are not practical given the world we live in. I’m sorry you can’t understand that there are terrible countries in this world that want to do truly bad things on a global scale and the US is the protecter-it of it. You give me another solution please before you give some sorry half ass explanation. How do you stop the bad countries like Russia and China in this world without having an equally powerful good country?
jgzman t1_j1xcg20 wrote
> Have you seen what Russia has done in Ukraine? Have you seen what China has done in Hong Kong?
No, I haven't.
I've been told, though. By "trusted sources," that I have no meaningful way to check up on.
[deleted] t1_j1xdvdk wrote
BBsmoothLSD t1_j1xlvc4 wrote
Yeah I’m not touching that, haven’t ingested enough lead
treydayallday t1_j1xzmjs wrote
Multiple fronts? Their aid to Taiwan would far surpass any aid provided Ukraine. They’re pulling from an incredibly deep well of funds. Their aid to Ukraine hasn’t begun to scratch the surface. Not to mention be far more likely to provide boots on the ground support to Taiwan. This wouldn’t go well for China no matter when they pulled the trigger.
[deleted] t1_j20zza4 wrote
WaytooReddit t1_j28pja8 wrote
For all the downvotes the USA and it’s allies invaded Iraq illegally and suffered no consequences. But then again it’s rules for thee not for me. You downvote that as well.
Nertyle t1_j1taqtx wrote
is the most beautiful Country in the World ? C’mon admit it!