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Intothenegev93 t1_j1ln22q wrote

Can these people safely leave?


Wayed96 t1_j1nvtp8 wrote

Aparently women don't get to keep their passport. So they can't leave. Correct me if I'm wrong


Regularguy10369 t1_j1r1pob wrote

All that is needed is for the surrounding countries to allow the travel of women and children with no passports. See them flee and the taliban to realise how desperately they need them.

And block men over 18 from leaving for a few months.


Dudedude88 t1_j1osumt wrote

They can't travel by themselves


Regularguy10369 t1_j1r1t3f wrote

In massive convoys they could, or under the cover of dark or with the help of sympathetic men.