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Orsick t1_j2d3eb0 wrote

Lol, Lula's ministers are far from meritocratic, it's mostly political nominations.


Pilantrologo t1_j2d5ipf wrote

Ok. Care to point to nominated people who are not qualified for the job ?

Edit : To those who find annoying asking a redditor to back his statement : Grow up.


ThiagoBaisch t1_j2d66rz wrote

yes, the son of Renan Calheiros for example.


Pilantrologo t1_j2d6rh6 wrote

I'll give you that one...

However, it would appear that the road network in Alagoas has improved significantly during his term as governor.


ThaneKyrell t1_j2d91er wrote

Also Haddad, Alckmin, Tebet... like, virtually all ministers in important positions are appointees. Which, to be fair, is ok. Virtually any president needs support from Congress. But don't pretend like most of Lula's future ministers aren't there because of politics.


pauloh1998 t1_j2df0sn wrote

Haddad actually has a Master's Degree in Economics, so he's not that far away from his position.


Orsick t1_j2dcsez wrote

Luciana Santos - science and technology - career politician condemned for administrative dishonest, but she's from PCdoB.

Geraldo Alckmin - he might've been better in other positions.

Tebet - planning - Carter politician being paid for the support in the second roun

Renan filho??? - transport - come on

Jader filho - Cities - it's even hard to find something about him other than his filliantion to MDB

Juscelino Filho - communication - never even hold a secretary position in his career, but hey Lula need some pull with centrão ( btw this guy's voted for Filma impeachment and against Temer's investigation)

Daniela do Waguinho - tourism - a very short political carreta, she as secretary of something completely unrelated to tourism for a year though.
