Submitted by KimCureAll t3_zz3bzm in worldnews
KimCureAll OP t1_j2962y6 wrote
Yandex now completely taken over by Russia - Putin's close ally, Alexei Kudrin, is pretty much taking over the helm.
[deleted] t1_j296mnd wrote
1m_Just_another_dude t1_j2981h9 wrote
He wanted to say good-bye before he fell out that window.
KimCureAll OP t1_j299d0j wrote
"Bye, everyone! I only have a narrow "window of opportunity" to leave before the end of the year. So long! I hate to "drop" this on you. It will be a "long fall" for me when I step down."
5lartybartfast t1_j29c15c wrote
"Keep pushing forward!"
tertius_decimus t1_j29dfad wrote
Soon to be found fallen out of the window with lead poisoning as the primary cause of heartstroke.
bbvr t1_j29do39 wrote
“It panes me to have to say this..”
Hairless_Ape_ t1_j29dsay wrote
He must have noticed how they moved his desk next to the window, and keep offering him tea.
eri- t1_j29dtmn wrote
That is some real proactive management if I ever saw it.
This guy is so capable that he already picked the window he's going to be falling out of soon.
autotldr t1_j29dy0v wrote
This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 66%. (I'm a bot)
> MOSCOW, Dec 30 - The co-founder of Russian internet giant Yandex, Arkady Volozh, said goodbye in an internal message to staff on Friday ahead of a corporate restructuring that could see ownership of many of the firm's core services change hands.
> "As you know, I haven't really been involved in Yandex's Russian business for some time, but this year I had to step down from the company completely," Volozh said in the message, seen by Reuters.
> Yandex's Dutch-registered holding company last month said it planned to divest ownership and control of most of Yandex Group, including its main revenue-generating businesses, a move that could lead to enhanced Kremlin influence over some of Russia's backbone internet services.
Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: Yandex^#1 Volozh^#2 Russian^#3 year^#4 company^#5
pharaohandrew t1_j29fbz7 wrote
5/6, and now 6/7 parent comments in this thread contain the word “window”.
Someothergiraffe t1_j29flt5 wrote
Shattered by this news.
KimCureAll OP t1_j29gxq0 wrote
"Stepping down from this job will leave me a broken man"
ExtremeProfessional8 t1_j29js8r wrote
Calimariae t1_j29jtk4 wrote
That's every thread about Russia. Bunch of tired window jokes and redditors beating dead horses.
SsiSsiSsiSsi t1_j29l9rh wrote
I think some people don’t really have brains, just a wad of densely compacted memes.
[deleted] t1_j29nq9l wrote
reddit_Breauxstorm t1_j29o9ht wrote
rubywpnmaster t1_j29ovss wrote
TBF the Russian government is kind of encouraging it.
[deleted] t1_j29pdhi wrote
Millenniauld t1_j29rqq2 wrote
Come on guys, stop throwing the horse out the window, it's already dead!
Actually "throw the horse out a window" sounds like one of those weird sayings people attribute to Germany or something, lol
Zerole00 t1_j29snug wrote
>and redditors beating dead horses
How is it a dead horse if it's still actively occurring?
00Lisa00 t1_j29to3w wrote
I mean it keeps happening so the horse is still kicking
DavidlikesPeace t1_j29uukm wrote
OP is upset at redditors for pointing out Putin is recycling his boring stale plot.
When did Putin become so predictable? Was he always like this? It seems odd we used to think he was some sort of genius tyrant.
bathroomworld t1_j2a2xrq wrote
"alright we tried to do the free and good society thing and it didn't work. Back the old ways"
Crommwel t1_j2a72vm wrote
It's dead cause it fell out of the window.
CHADallaan t1_j2a8yvk wrote
sucks to hear yandex is the goat at reverse image search and every year google gets shittier what with it being so personalized and openly censored
BPhiloSkinner t1_j2aes3h wrote
Or Marx Brothers.
Throw the horse out a window? When it could strike a poor orphan on the street? Have you no shame, sir. Think of the windows and orphans."
Neisen t1_j2ajl8x wrote
☐ 'defenestration' / careful near windows ☐ stairs ☐ polonium tea ☐ suicide bullets in back of head ☐ etc
There probably needs to be a bingo card for this.
Hmrp t1_j2an66j wrote
Youre right the bigger joke is how they have run the country to the ground
Herzyr t1_j2ansp1 wrote
Rusky government preparing to go hard on the information front? Maybe for the massive loses to come in the donetsk front? Can't see why a full takeover from now would have been different VS months before..
cyrixlord t1_j2apcdd wrote
so sad to hear about his suicide from a 6th story hospital window. tragic, really.
FourFurryCats t1_j2aqc6h wrote
But there is something nagging me in the back of my mind.
I took my shot. Soon it will be your turn.
ishmal t1_j2arsl9 wrote
MajorGeneralInternet t1_j2at54b wrote
Because saying Mac or Apple doesn't quite fit the context.
Totally_Not_CZ t1_j2at69c wrote
"To shreds, out of a window, you say?"
VonKaplow t1_j2avyyu wrote
I would not walk close to any windows if i were him
pharaohandrew t1_j2awoui wrote
I find it fascinating. I’m sure the sociology types would call it memetics, as in meme. And they always get upvoted like it was a pleasant surprise to find that comment in a story about a notable Russian. No hate, it’s just neat how it’s always like that every time
Edit: maybe a check box for “poisoned undies”; that slips in sometimes, too
IrritatedRuskie t1_j2az9ej wrote
Except that they didn't, they sold out to the government quite quickly and became a part of the government propaganda on the internet side, blocking news and search results from "unfavorable" media outlets
[deleted] t1_j2b40ya wrote
[deleted] t1_j2b4473 wrote
Famous-Crab t1_j2b4lnb wrote
I support the Ukraine and I see Russia as the invader. Even if it's russian, I've used Yandex quite a bit, because it's somehow a good alternative for all content, which has been deleted from Google-Search because of copyright, etc.
What is the next good alternative, if you like to use a search engine, without companies and individuals being able to have search results removed? Do they exist?
JoeJoJosie t1_j2bbzxz wrote
I see a window in his future.
C2Midnight t1_j2bi62b wrote
This sub is fucking garbage for the top comment usually being some stupid joke. It's also school holidays which means every dumbass kid who thinks they're hilarious is on here.
C2Midnight t1_j2biaze wrote
Oh look, it's /u/KimCureAll's original comment with the same level of subtlety and humour.
C2Midnight t1_j2biesb wrote
The main question, will wahapedia still work?
KimCureAll OP t1_j2bj6ia wrote
I really can't count the number of people I've inspired! LOL
OrFir99 t1_j2bjeuy wrote
Does anyone know of any other reverse image search that work better then Google?
C2Midnight t1_j2bkd07 wrote
Someone told you that you were funny. That was a cruel thing to do.
[deleted] t1_j2bkrh4 wrote
Lison52 t1_j2bl02l wrote
Well if it wasn't for the fact that the next fucking person fell out of the window not so long ago then you would be right that this joke is dead.
[deleted] t1_j2blgcy wrote
Nargodian t1_j2blsdi wrote
Isn't that correct though for the original meaning of "meme"?
Can_of_Ubik t1_j2bnr4v wrote
Can_of_Ubik t1_j2bnx5z wrote
Yandex has always been the regime's bitch, I have no sympathy.
[deleted] t1_j2bqjom wrote
arebee20 t1_j2brzib wrote
They say that search engines are the ‘windows’ to the Internet
dmalteseknight t1_j2btf8l wrote
Ah didn't realise that google was pro Trump during his term as president.
banksy_h8r t1_j2bti1k wrote
I make a point of always downvoting them. These stale, unfunny memes add nothing to the discussion, and get in the way of more interesting comments.
God forbid someone post something truly informed, it will be buried under a bunch of comments from people trying to show how funny and original they are.
bbvr t1_j2btrqx wrote
The first step is alway the most difficult. Sometimes it helps to have a little help from your friends. After that the rest is easy!
Majestic-Aardvark-50 t1_j2bu42v wrote
Flying out of a window at midnight?
llahlahkje t1_j2bua0x wrote
Onto a mug of polonium tea, no less.
KimCureAll OP t1_j2bv8sl wrote
"Just a little help from my friends" "Back in the USSR" - "It's easy!"
dirtywook88 t1_j2bvv6z wrote
You could say it’s a……window of opportunity. Yyyyeeaaaahhh.jpg
sobanz t1_j2bw3m9 wrote
seize the means of production comrades
Cakeski t1_j2bw7l3 wrote
"You can find me outside of tower 13 on the ground by sunday afternoon."
Fl0r1da-Woman t1_j2bzaah wrote
I sold Yandex just before the invasion
nolok t1_j2c2v7s wrote
TinyEye from Canada works great
razed_sec t1_j2c918w wrote
How do you suppose they stay independent from the tyranny of Russia while operating in Russia?
johnandahalf13 t1_j2c9na8 wrote
Tying up loose ends before he falls out of a window into a barrel of Polonium with 9 "self-inflicted" bullets in his head.
Petering t1_j2cbtkf wrote
I second duckduckgo, especially if you use a VPN since some search engines will make you complete captchas.
BroccoliFartFuhrer t1_j2cd84w wrote
Thank you. You're perfect.
falconzord t1_j2cd9nl wrote
I feel bad for Yandex, they weren't a bad business but it's hard to operate in the global market when their core audience is in a backsliding country. They had a thriving business in Ukraine until the Crimea situation.
MSTRMN_ t1_j2ce6nm wrote
It's Ukraine, without "the"
Kewenfu t1_j2csx6f wrote
More entrepreneurial brains leaving Russia.
alanwattslightbulb t1_j2ctn0m wrote
IrritatedRuskie t1_j2cwm9p wrote
Hmm lemme see, you don’t give a golden controlling share to the government for starters
smhndsm t1_j2d2j12 wrote
Yandex has always had government fingers in their pot, i.e. corrupted.
doesn't matter the quality of their products, it should forever be boycotted. I was saying it for years and years.
razed_sec t1_j2d50y2 wrote
They definitely don't have any means to coerce otherwise right?
xyzmangaboi t1_j2d63om wrote
Throw the country outta the window!
[deleted] t1_j2diybt wrote
frustratedbuffalo t1_j2dn3qi wrote
I was genuinely expecting to read 'falls to death from window' in the title.
ManateeofSteel t1_j2dqcji wrote
I mean, this doesn’t really change things if that’s the only thing you are using it for. Which is also what I presume, anyone in the west uses it for
greenmtnfiddler t1_j2f7cc0 wrote
Here's defenestration in Russian if you want to do any searching -- it's a nice simple cognate: дефенестрация
[deleted] t1_j2fplkh wrote
[deleted] t1_j295s4p wrote