[deleted] t1_j1yff40 wrote
Natural-Coffee9711 t1_j1ygalr wrote
As someone from Eastern Europe just wanting to marry his partner: fuck this thinking. “Just wait a couple more years to get your basic rights lol”
TrumpetSC2 t1_j1yi1nh wrote
Very well said!
ChrisTchaik t1_j1yn21h wrote
You're building your entire argument around gay marriage when this isn't even about gay marriage. The last time a Western country had a similar law was in the 60s/70s/80s. Bear in mind that the same law has been extended to include adults, which is unheard of in the Western world.
[deleted] t1_j1yo6ia wrote
burgermiester288 t1_j1z11ft wrote
Queer person here, you have no clue what you're talking about so shut the hell up
PfizerGuyzer t1_j1yxf1e wrote
You're pretending that only being given civil partnerships is equivalent to burning down your museums.
Ask_Me_If_I_Am_Flynn t1_j1yk0qz wrote
People are only on a high horse because people they care about are getting trampled
[deleted] t1_j1yokip wrote
Ask_Me_If_I_Am_Flynn t1_j1yp6uz wrote
Yeah and why is Russia 50 years behind hmm? You're a fucking human paraquat
[deleted] t1_j1ypo97 wrote
burgermiester288 t1_j1z1hfe wrote
Religion and their own bigotry is holding them back, this crap is popular with Russians. Russia has always been a homophobic hell hole. The Russians started their war and choose their own death
Glass_Cat_666 t1_j1zjm2m wrote
You should try to find "open minded" people in any remote area where the only information source is some guy on TV.
Most Russians have no idea what's going on. They just get the news that Russia is at war with Ukraine.
There's no why and how. And they can't fact check anything.
Maybe just watch older videos of Bald and Bankrupt to see what real Russia is like, and how isolated they are.
burgermiester288 t1_j1zjw9o wrote
Thier information source is the government, and the church, hence the homophobia
Glass_Cat_666 t1_j1zlbqy wrote
Yeah religion is a 2000 year old backwards ideology that has been altered countless of times to appease the church.
Correct, now try and change people into believing that their entire life is a lie and that it's all wrong.
That's going to be difficult.
burgermiester288 t1_j1z1and wrote
Nah, not every country was supporting states that put us in death camps. You don't care about queer folk, you care about how much you get paid.
Glass_Cat_666 t1_j1zjq6c wrote
I care about human rights.
That means all humans, not just the ones you like.
burgermiester288 t1_j1zk53r wrote
Than why are you treating a government that supports chechyians putting queer men in death camps with kid gloves
Glass_Cat_666 t1_j1zkafg wrote
I'm not, you just made that up.
ZhouDa t1_j1ypjhe wrote
Russia is some two hundred years behind when it comes to freedom of speech. This isn't solely about gay rights, but also the fact that discussing the subject gets you thrown in jail.
[deleted] t1_j1ypv37 wrote
Defiant__Idea t1_j1yqu0a wrote
You clearly know nothing about Russia and its history.
burgermiester288 t1_j1z136c wrote
This is about queer rights, not free speech, and cops are pos
Glass_Cat_666 t1_j1zjzi4 wrote
I haven't run into a single cop in my life that is a bad cop.
Try again bigot.
Free speech and freedom to be gay are very VERY closely related.
Russia doesn't allow either of them.
They should, but they don't. Not yet anyway
burgermiester288 t1_j1zkupq wrote
Every cop I've met is absolute trash and the police have a history of abusing queer folk. Russians actively oppress queer folks and are oppressing us worse everyday
Glass_Cat_666 t1_j1zl2mv wrote
And there you go. Your personal experience of dealing with cops reflects the entire world.
Great job on setting an example.
burgermiester288 t1_j1zzhfu wrote
My experience and the experience of every other queer person I know
Sniffy4 t1_j1yg9e9 wrote
Maybe, but change doesnt come without fighting for it, ever.
burgermiester288 t1_j1z0wmm wrote
It's not new and never has been, you dips""t. We queer folks have always existed. They won't come around, they've repeatedly proven this, they are actively getting worse and okay chechnyian "work" camps that queer men are murdered in. You are just a troll, how many rubles do you get paid per comment?
TrumpetSC2 t1_j20zse0 wrote
Yeah the above poster you replied to is one of those people that are so wrong that even if they were right about the claim, they would still be wrong lol because the entire premise is false.
Like its not like queer ppl have it great in parts of the US now because gay marriage is legal, so how does their comment even make sense on any level lol.
Spyt1me t1_j1zk2fx wrote
>People should really get off their high horse on LGBTQ rights.It's all new for most countries. And Russia is just walking behind. They'll come around eventually.
Can you tell this in person to a Russian queer who fled their country because of queerphobia? Because i dont think you have the guts to do so.
Glass_Cat_666 t1_j1zkwpv wrote
I literally said that you need to stop acting all mighty and that Russia will come around getting basic human rights in order eventually.
I'm literally against how Russia treats people, and still you somehow fabricate that I love how it's in Russia right now. You are delusional.
And now you say I wouldn't dare to tell a asylum seeker from Russia that it will be alright in due time and that everything will be fine?
You have no idea how the real world works huh?
Or you simply think that Russian LGBTQ people are just aggressive mindless beasts without the capability top listen such as yourself.
Because that's actually what you said.
Spyt1me t1_j1zmoj4 wrote
Acting all high and mighty is when we demand basic human rights and equal treatment lmao
You sure talk from a place of privilege where you never had experienced the full might of the state aggressively attacking you and trying to create a deadly culture against you, and never were relentlessly shamed and bullied and forced into hiding.
Shut the fuck up, you are the one talking high and mighty from his high tower made of privilege.
E.: This mf just blocked me because he got offended at me saying shut the fuck up lmao what an absolute privileged snowflake
Glass_Cat_666 t1_j1zsxgt wrote
"Shut the fuck up"
Atta boy, that's the spirit I expected from you. Well done.
[deleted] t1_j1yisif wrote
[deleted] t1_j1yr8no wrote
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