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frosthowler t1_j235h0x wrote

left-coded? I have never heard this term, what do you mean by that?


PublicFurryAccount t1_j237108 wrote

It's been socially coded as a left-wing issue.

Various forms of nationalism and religion don't have a natural coding. Nationalism of all kinds is just as easily coded as a right-wing concept and Islam was, prior to 9/11, hotly contested in the US between left and right, whether it was right- or left-wing depended on whether you were emphasizing Muslims as outsiders or as staunch social conservatives.


YairJ t1_j23bbg4 wrote

Your comment to the following one seems to have been hidden.


frosthowler t1_j23ez0f wrote

huh? where? I don't seem to see anything that seems to be missing

edit: oh wow, it was, opened with a private browser. I still see it. Since no mod contacted me and I definitely didn't break any rules, guess I'll repost it.

Edit2: I think it's just impossible to reply to him? Anything I post doesn't appear when I look at it at a private window

/u/PublicFurryAccount are you alive?


PublicFurryAccount t1_j23fhbx wrote

You probably blocked someone or was blocked by someone up thread.


frosthowler t1_j23fsh3 wrote

How? I'm talking to you just fine here. It's only that particular comment of yours that is shadow-banned/hidden. I can reply to it (blocks stop you from making the comment at all, doesn't make it hidden.)