daniel_22sss t1_j2c37zq wrote
Reply to comment by Cold-Change5060 in Russian missile attack on Kyiv Oblast: 21 houses, hospital and cars damaged by HarakenQQ
...Bruh, this article directly tells you that rockets hit all kinds of civilian houses, and barely any power stations, when in all previous attacks they hit power stations pretty regularly and pretty accurately. Do you even read, bruh? You want to tell me that all the missiles just HAPPENED to hit the houses this time?
Also, I live in fucking Kiev right next to a power station, and whenever russians are attacking power stations, I always hear anti-air working near us or missiles blowing up. This time most of them just avoided our place entirely, which is weird for an attack that is targeted at power stations.
Yes, russian missiles ARE shit, but lets not pretend as if they are above terror attacks and they just "happened" to hit schools, hospitals and civilian houses. They dropped a bomb on a theater with "children" written on it, ffs.
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