CowardNomad t1_j28l15d wrote
The motto of the current Iranian regime is probably something like "the nation must die so that the state can live". They’re literally killing the intellectuals, the creativity, the cream of the crop of a people. This is not surprising since it’s ME we’re talking about, but I still think Iranians deserve better.
who_said_I_am_an_emu t1_j299hya wrote
>A dictatorship has to promulgate some sort of distant goals and moral ideals in order to justify its rule and the people’s immolation; the extent to which it succeeds in convincing its victims, is the extent of its own danger; sooner or later, its contradictions are thrown in its face by the best of its subjects: the ablest, the most intelligent, the most honest. Thus a dictatorship is forced to destroy and to keep on destroying the best of its “human resources.” And be it fifty years or five centuries later, ambitious thugs and lethargic drones are all a dictatorship will have left to exploit and rule; the rest will die young, physically or spiritually.
CrystalQuartzen t1_j2b873i wrote
Wow, I couldn’t describe Russia better myself.
parallelportals t1_j2bmxpu wrote
That's scary tbh Knowing it's just a desolate land of fucking idiots that are always drunk and cold and on the verge of hurting their partner. Devoid of anyone with common sense and oppressing what's left of it.
Pre-Nietzsche t1_j2bzivd wrote
Lol.. what? Trashing the entire country’s citizens because of a corrupt government is ridiculous. Unless we’re talking about North Korea, of course.
MrEyepatch t1_j2c1lcn wrote
Can you tell me the source?
thehedgepart2 t1_j2e0vm9 wrote
The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution by Ayn Rand, 1971
BroBogan t1_j2af5qb wrote
I don't think people realize how many people in the Muslim world view Israel (and honestly to a similar extent Jews).
I am from Egypt. Watch what happens on this prank style TV show when this actor is told the woman interviewing him is Israeli
Additional_Meeting_2 t1_j2ahh77 wrote
I red a book written in 70s that was a travel journal and several people in Middle East just casually were talking how everyone in Israel is going to die soon in a war.
doublestitch t1_j2brsez wrote
Damn, that's nuts.
Had an idea feelings could run that strong. But to see it in real time, that's next level. The thought that runs through one's mind is what would have happened if there weren't cameras running?
scihole t1_j2bh75h wrote
Check out who the owner of memri tv is. Audacious i'd say
SameOldBro t1_j2cwx6p wrote
> the owner of memri tv
"The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI; officially the "Middle East Media and Research Institute" ) is a nonprofit press monitoring and analysis organization co-founded by former Israeli military intelligence officer Yigal Carmon and Israeli-American political scientist Meyrav Wurmser"
not sure why you are so suggestive, are you implying that it's bad because it's Israeli owned?
scihole t1_j2e3z23 wrote
Hehe cheers
Pre-Nietzsche t1_j2bzqxl wrote
Eesh, no joke.
fallen_preacher t1_j2b3pmi wrote
Oh believe, we're thankful that the world is seeing it now, but it's been happening pretty much since the beginning of Islamic revolution more than 40 years ago...
amitym t1_j2b9ywf wrote
"The nation must die so that ... so that ... I'll think of a reason later, the important thing is that the nation must die."
(You're absolutely right, I just sometimes think these psychopaths grab the murder stick first and think of the rationale later. If ever...)
Jeezal t1_j2aobf2 wrote
Welcome to the USSR! Oh wait... Wrong country
TheBusStop12 t1_j2cz0ox wrote
>They’re literally killing the intellectuals, the creativity, the cream of the crop of a people.
They should ask Pol Pot how that's gonna turn out for them
Raspberries-Are-Evil t1_j2c609r wrote
> but I still think Iranians deserve better.
Then they really need to do something about it.
[deleted] t1_j28pvj0 wrote
fawnroyale_ t1_j2910z6 wrote
Uh oh i smell nazi shit
AggroDorfHeroicDeath t1_j29q0qq wrote
You can't clean it off, you have to throw the shoes away now.
hunisher1 t1_j29agyr wrote
Tell me you don’t know shit about Iran’s history without telling me you don’t know shit about Iran’s history.
Fuckin fascist.
[deleted] t1_j29ckck wrote
CowardNomad t1_j28zx80 wrote
I humbly disagree.
I do not find the westerners have anything inherently special, so that only they can embrace the concept of human rights, individual rights, property rights.
I do not argue that the westerners are the one leading in this arena, but what I find uncomfortable is the idea of your description of the "rest of the world" is asiatic and orientalist, painting a picture of the so-called "barbaric East".
There’s Japan, which has the Taisho democracy period, when democracy blossomed even before WWII. I choose this period so that we can avoid the whole "is the post-war democracy somewhat forced upon them by the west" blah blah blah, that’s for r/AskHistorians, not here.
There’s Korea, which I personally believe has one of the strongest democratic spirit in Asia. Gwangju uprising is definitely not supported by the west, and the downfall of Park Geun-hye is a sign of a strongly pro-democratic people. Chaebol and corruption are serious problems, but democracy is still the wish of the people.
Then there’s Taiwan. Some use it as an example that Chinese can be democratic, some argue that they can hardly represent Chinese at all, since Waishengren (those that escaped from mainland to TW along with the KMT) only make up ~13% of the population, and the rest identify themselves as more like Taiwanese. However, even if we separate them from Chinese, their customs are still loaded with Han culture, and that didn’t prevent them from being a democratic state aligned with most of the western values while retaining their Han culture.
I know Far East is not Middle East. I know that having a democracy doesn’t means these rights can be correctly protected, flawed democracy is a thing. I know that democracy and the values you claim to be specifically western will not miraculously prevail in Iran even if the current regime fall. However, I do believe every place in this world have potential to accept democracy and related values, trying to depict the rest of the world as places doomed to be barbaric is just snobbish.
biggKIDD0 t1_j2a405j wrote
yes the i.r. heads says the protests are just american and uk goons and they are trying to deceive youth, like its a fairytale shit, but I dare them to hold open Referendum let people freely choose for themselves, how they wanna live and how much they want these artworks we will see how many will get killed because of fuckin fashion choices and how many children die because of not agreeing to your religion
CowardNomad t1_j2a8xzn wrote
I agree. I remember back in October the regime was claiming that they’re protecting Iran’s culture from corruption and shit… Then someone pointing out the obvious, "if hijab was part of Iran’s culture, it wouldn’t need enforcing". Laconic, but it really show how absurd this whole thing is. Destruction of a people’s intelligentsia, suppression of a people’s culture, violence as the first response towards almost any resistance, these all remind me something. This is incredible, through sheer religious fanaticism, the Ayatollah regime is somehow behaving exactly like foreign colonisers… in their own freaking land!
[deleted] t1_j2ao6wh wrote
lsdrunning t1_j293a00 wrote
Go read an Iranian history book you Nazi
[deleted] t1_j2946yp wrote
outtathesky_fellapie t1_j29ummg wrote
>Back in the rest of the world, they follow the old rules of might makes right
In the modern world, we have evolved past the lizard brain stage of existance and realize that just because someone isnt benching 250lbs doesnt mean they cant materially contribute to society in a fashion that benefits most or all. Maybe one day you too will evolve past lizard brain levels of existance. Youll like it, its nice appreciating people for what they have to offer as opposed to only valuing one or two character/physical traits.
[deleted] t1_j28vdtk wrote
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