TopTramp t1_j2apkws wrote
Reply to comment by who_said_I_am_an_emu in Iranian author said sentenced to death for giving interview to Israeli TV channel by essential_projection
You want people to behave how you want them to, the Iranian gov wants people to behave how they want to.
You are the same - look in the mirror
who_said_I_am_an_emu t1_j2ar38g wrote
Yes, wanting people to live free is exactly the same as wanting to live under an Islamic theocracy.
Hey, how about you spend 30 seconds reading what I wrote instead of what you want me to have written, ok?
TopTramp t1_j2as3kh wrote
You’re a joker…..
I realised you were a joke when this happened…
Me: You want to stop people from having belief or imagination.
You: no, I want people to stop having religion
who_said_I_am_an_emu t1_j2asadm wrote
Yes, I want people to stop having religion. Voluntarily! Just like, as I explained, I want people to be healthy.
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