CutiePopIceberg t1_j19q80e wrote
Even i know this ... so ... maybe world leaders can skip the faux shock and do something about it by supporting the iranian protesters.
Mellevalaconcha t1_j19rrw6 wrote
Legit question, how? I'm all up for it, but their situation is different from Ukraine, they're fighting against their government, how can we help them? Aside from spreading the word.
Caeldeth t1_j19sk35 wrote
Joking… unless you want to start a world war… there is nothing you can do
Mellevalaconcha t1_j19sylt wrote
I am aware, trying to give them stuff rn is out of the question, unless they properly form an armed insurrection, nothing can be done I guess.
Just hope they keep on fighting, but it's not looking good
[deleted] t1_j19shjw wrote
CutiePopIceberg t1_j19z75n wrote
Id be shocked if the cia isnt getting in on this. But i agree with yiu and some other commenters: anything overt would be unwise at this time. Also, weve seen again and again that arming 'the enemy of my enemy hoping they become friends' doesnt work (taliban). Any us involvement would have to be surgical and plausibly deniable (like us drones taking out specific targets - this does mean there will be collaterAL damage and that has to be considered too)
Mellevalaconcha t1_j1a1bg9 wrote
Yeah, the USA will definitely get involved, but the Rebels need to secure a fighting force and make it clear that they're fighting for a secular government and that they won't just be the other side of the coin, Iran has never been a true democracy, this is their chance.
throwawaydave5668 t1_j1a9x7m wrote
I cannot possibly know this with certainty, but I would be willing to bet that the CIA is not just sitting this one out.
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