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HobGoblin2 t1_j16mp5v wrote


mikeymumbelz t1_j16u8yn wrote

If they thought for a second the Russians were moving a nuke into Iran, the entire region would attack Tehran overnight. I don't even think a nuke would make it there. Someone would take out the transport in Europe before it left the ground.

Nobody wants Iran to have nukes. Not the Israelis. Not the Saudis. Not the Emiratis. No one. This would be the shit show to end all shit shows.


tap-rack-bang t1_j18aq91 wrote

For a small shipment of one of the former 20,000 that the USSR had, they could redirect funding and war effort AWAY from the Ukraine war while simultaneously paying their drone supplier. The world is already against Russia, what's one more thing? Seems plausible at least.


marcthe12 t1_j17iy6r wrote

Maybe ICBMs. With tech transfer.


Cloudboy9001 t1_j17rk3k wrote

Makes sense as Iran is apparently stocking up on enriched uranium (some ~60%).

Hopefully, this doesn't spiral into WW3.