Submitted by calbert1735 t3_10j4rsv in worldnews
OldMork t1_j5ijeeo wrote
frequency dropped, so probably overloaded?
VoraciousTrees t1_j5jlpjh wrote
Fun fact: Texas was 4 minutes from going black from this during that nasty winter storm a year or so ago.
I still think it's weird that they don't load shed the grid first...
Whatttttt123455 t1_j5k12ow wrote
Texas did load shed. The generation and fuel was not there, so load shed was the only option. There are strict federal guidelines in place for how to keep the grid secure. That falls under the authority of NERC, which falls under the authority of FERC. Texas had few guidelines or requirements on the generators and could enter or exit the market anytime they chose to do so. That is because Texas is a big oil and gas state. The Texas legislature does not want to put a burden on energy producers that could cut into their profits.They recently passed lip service laws to require inspections, but it won't do much if a situation like this were to occur again.
VoraciousTrees t1_j5k3r8j wrote
It did, just this winter, albeit on a much smaller scale.
Kinnasty t1_j5mqixu wrote
On the 23rd? ERCOT didn’t even call an EEA (emergency event), though real time electricity prices did get quite high.
[deleted] t1_j5jutq4 wrote
Pakistani_in_MURICA t1_j5kh2s2 wrote
Problem is honesty and commitment. My mom was a teacher there for 15 year but the education board has "no record" of her. She literally went to the retired headmaster's house to ask if she might have records of her time as the letters my mom has aren't "attested".
Want something done you need to pay everyone from the guy who brings chai in the office to the office manager. It was 10,000PKR back in 1983 to bribe an education official to get your middle school educated daughter a position to teach in high school. Yeah. You read that correctly.
The uphill battle to get an honest competent individual in position to do anything is impossible across the country.
Another example.
A provincial government set up a disaster management department. They hired internationally trained individuals to run it. Sounds good right?
Well the bureaucrats went up in a frenzy since a government department was outside their domain. So the solution? Stupid bureaucrats we're brought in to manage the trained disaster relief individuals and allocate funding.
Well we saw that funding when 1/3+ of the country was flooded and still people aren't getting relief supplies.
What happened to those relief supplies?
Well an even better question. You see tents were used as floor mats for a political rally.
There's no sense of accountability or collective good.
A police chief (I don't know his US equivalent) involved in numerous extrajudicial killings and theft was just declared innocent by a court.
The current government got the vast majority of their corruption cases dismissed and declared innocent while dozens of prosecutors and investigators involved in the cases have been assassinated.
What more examples do you want?
The children of these assholes are now migrating to the US/Canada/EU/Australia/New Zealand. Making songs to "spread the culture". While their parents in Pakistan are beating their underpaid servants and serfs.
narayans t1_j5kpsqk wrote
Wow. Just getting rid of rampant corruption would make it less suffocating to live in
Back in the day in Chennai, India I had to pay a bribe to just take a driver's license test. If you don't they'll harass you by making you wait for hours and/or by asking you to come again another day, but if you pony up, they'll hand you a license even if you don't test well. So yeah I did the unethical deed and I deserve to be punished for it, but I digress
Once I was pulled over for "drunk driving", the cop asked for money; I told the cop I've never even tasted alcohol (which was true) and he said think of it as a gift and lowered the price to 200 Rupees/5 USD, and I kid you not he tried to say it nicely. It's the same tactic where they'll turn hostile if you don't play along.
With digitization, things have gotten better I believe
Pakistani_in_MURICA t1_j5kqhml wrote
We have "chai pulana" what do you guys have over there?
narayans t1_j5ks3es wrote
What does pulana translate to? The cop used the word "anbalippu" which in Tamil translates to gift
Pakistani_in_MURICA t1_j5ktmz7 wrote
Pilana roughly is give to drink. The sentence translates to "give me tea".
Lawfulness_Character t1_j5lcdvx wrote
Exaggerate much about Texas because uninformed crying on the internet is more fun than educating yourself?
Texas is quickly approaching political parity.
It's the 2nd most populous state in the country.
It's the fastest growing state in the country by net population growth.
It is the 4th fastest growing state in the country by population growth per capita.
[deleted] t1_j5jptqp wrote
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