Submitted by flopsyplum t3_10prv0g in worldnews
Blastie2 t1_j6m1zt9 wrote
It means Russian forces will report destroying 143 out of the 31 Abrams tanks within a month.
[deleted] t1_j6m28q3 wrote
coenjaerts t1_j6m2f5y wrote
Russians: Let’s use resources that are not available.
joho999 t1_j6m3e4y wrote
Bet they don't get paid, it would have been cheaper and more of an incentive to offer a get out of the war free pass.
monkeywithgun t1_j6m4d6z wrote
Can't wait for the list of excuses over the next several months.
OldMork t1_j6m4sng wrote
the bounty will be cancelled after they paid for a million western tanks destroyed.
autotldr t1_j6m5iku wrote
This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 54%. (I'm a bot)
> A Russian company has offered a cash bounty of up to 5 million rubles for the destruction or capture of Western-made tanks recently promised to Ukraine by its European and American allies.
> Multiple Western countries including the United States and Germany announced they would provide advanced combat tanks to help boost Kyiv's military capacity last week, prompting Moscow to threaten any tanks shipped to Kyiv with destruction.
> Russian regional volunteer battalions also offered one-time payments and bonuses for the destruction of enemy heavy weaponry, including payments of up to 300,000 rubles for destroying an enemy tank or aircraft.
Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: tank^#1 rubles^#2 destruction^#3 capture^#4 Fores^#5
and_dont_blink t1_j6m6uzo wrote
How dumb would a Russian soldier have to be to think they'd actually get paid this bounty. I'm sure they'll eventually take out some tanks or and get some photos, but a higher up would pay will pay it to a friendly subordinate who'll kick back the majority.
AlleKeskitason t1_j6m979t wrote
>offer a get out of the war free pass.
"Excellent job, comrade. Go home and let the less competent people take over from here. Wait a sec, now that we have inspected the tank, it's not destroyed by our definition. Forget what I said, give back the medal I just gave you and go back to the frontline to try again."
1badd t1_j6m9ghh wrote
There is also a bounty for dying in Ukraine, which is much easier to achieve than destroying a western tank.
supercyberlurker t1_j6m9rw2 wrote
This is Russia, so do they mean Bounty paper towels?
I could see Russia offering their soldiers paper towels as a huge bonus.
I mean, in limited amounts, they wouldn't want them getting used to that kind of thing.
silverrain64 t1_j6mahlq wrote
Right, sure, they'll pay bounties. Just like they pay soldiers as promised in their contracts. Just like they pay death benefits. How many times can you pretend to throw the ball before the dog won't fetch anymore?
OppositeYouth t1_j6mbk0g wrote
Private destroys tank, reports it to sergeant Sergeant kills private, reports destroyed tank to Lieutenant. Lieutenant kills Sergeant, reports kill to General. General kills Lieutenant, getting the bounty. Proud Russian General on the front line destroying 100 by hand
Vacheron_XI t1_j6mbwx5 wrote
If at first you don't succeed, bribe, bribe again.
roastbeeftacohat t1_j6mcput wrote
Bonus points for the high level mobs the men would rather run and hide from.
Overweighover t1_j6mcyg5 wrote
Bounty. For your first aid kit
Overweighover t1_j6mcz0b wrote
Hunger games
anna_pescova t1_j6medex wrote
Unfortunately sanctions have resulted in a huge current account surplus in Russia due to import bans, accelerating the de-dollarization of its economy and driving the appreciation of the ruble. It's up over 40% against the $ from a year ago so they have no shortage of Rubles. It's just they can't purchase many foreign goods with them. And nobody else wants them!
AggravatingBobcat574 t1_j6mhf2n wrote
I bet this is to incentivize the Russian troops not to turn tail and run at the first sight of an Abrams or Leopard.
StillBurningInside t1_j6mk16q wrote
With the modern optics and longer range, the truth is they have to get close enough to even try.
nonrandomusername17 t1_j6mu8j6 wrote
Make a Russian tank look like a western tank, burn it, claim money, leave Russia.
IronyElSupremo t1_j6n1prb wrote
Thing is tanks hunt in packs so taking a shot at one means the others know where you are (plus the supporting artillery to “dust” the area if their own infantry gets pulled back).
I remember in basic shooting the LAW (light anti tank weapon) and everyone was excited.. until the drill sergeant with the infantry badge relayed the actual info about tank units (another Rambo fantasy died hard). Trained troops know this but most Russians are being increasingly used as barely trained fodder in human wave attacks ..
[deleted] t1_j6n5waz wrote
_Zoko_ t1_j6n6vym wrote
It's still Russian troops doing it so they will still attack anything belonging to Ukraine. It's not like the put out a Facebook ad for this.
They're trying to incentivize people to take out the new tanks because they're not sure how to deal with them effectively, so they want their troops to do whatever they can to take them out. If they get 12 reports of destroyed tanks and 9 of them were killed in the same, or similar, fashion then they will start telling all their troops to use that method to deal with them.
Vashyo t1_j6n7dko wrote
They lie their asses of already about destroying material...this is just gonna continue the cycle, lol.
ChomiQ84 t1_j6njw1h wrote
How many goats? Asking for a friend.
[deleted] t1_j6nul8t wrote
CyanManta t1_j6o0rzb wrote
Do they even have any generals left at this point?
Arcades057 t1_j6o2fh0 wrote
This reminds me of the fake news "Russia offering bounties on Americans killed in Iraq/Syria."
I swear this war has more BS going on than any other lol
008Zulu t1_j6oi5br wrote
Russian Command: We pay bounty for each western tank you destroy!
Russian Soldiers: Is good, but, how do we destroy tank? We have no tractors.
Russian Command: Is your problem.
livelaughcum666 t1_j6oiyv2 wrote
Then Putin kills general fearing he has met his match.
jellyvish t1_j6m1p2m wrote
so does that mean they leave the ukrainian tanks alone or they just get bonus points for western ones?