Asianfirst t1_j5vcygr wrote
China needs to pay for what Americans put into their own bodies
Sweaty_Maybe1076 OP t1_j5ve14o wrote
Is it the drug dealer or the drug user that is the criminal?
Tarnishedcockpit t1_j5veyzh wrote
Theirs so many criminals its hard to keep track anymore, even a suit and tie cant differentiate them anymore.
x_is_mad t1_j5vgw8t wrote
Stop making Fent and start making MXE again. It's only fair.
LostHisDog t1_j5vjjtc wrote
I sure hope no one in China is still pissed about that time the west got nearly their entire country hooked on heroin... cuz I can imagine that might be sort of a sticky point if it comes up.
autotldr t1_j5vkhn2 wrote
This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 72%. (I'm a bot)
> The United States is "Actively seeking to reengage" China on counternarcotics, including stopping the flow of illicit synthetic drugs like fentanyl into the U.S., said the State Department ahead of Secretary of State Antony Blinken's visit to Beijing in early February.
> "Though its past action has helped counter illicit synthetic drug flows, we do hope to see additional action from the PRC - meaningful, concrete action - to curb the diversion of precursor chemicals and equipment used by criminals to manufacture fentanyl and other synthetic drugs," State Department spokesperson Ned Price told VOA this week.
> While Beijing is no longer a major source of the synthetic opioid flowing to the United States, U.S. officials said Washington continues to see Chinese-origin precursor chemicals being used in illicit fentanyl production and other illicit synthetic drugs.
Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: drug^#1 fentanyl^#2 State^#3 synthetic^#4 U.S.^#5
Sweaty_Maybe1076 OP t1_j5vm3pk wrote
WikiSummarizerBot t1_j5vndq9 wrote
>The Opium Wars (simplified Chinese: 鸦片战争; traditional Chinese: 鴉片戰爭 Yāpiàn zhànzhēng) were two conflicts waged between China and Western powers during the mid-19th century. The First Opium War was fought from 1839 to 1842 between China and the United Kingdom, and was triggered by the Chinese government's campaign to enforce its prohibition against opium trafficking by British merchants. The Second Opium War was waged by Britain and France against China from 1856 to 1860.
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__The__Anomaly__ t1_j5vnnck wrote
What's MXE?
Reselects420 t1_j5vskqp wrote
bobslapsface t1_j5vt8cb wrote
Hey, Blinken
[deleted] t1_j5vtf0e wrote
illiteratefart t1_j5vtfc6 wrote
Did you say Abe Lincoln?
CRexBinLaden t1_j5vtyra wrote
Meth-Xanax-Ecstasy, the ultimate Friday night
[deleted] t1_j5vul0l wrote
temporarycreature t1_j5vv4oq wrote
I don't think that's a training problem, my friend, that's a lobbying and corruption problem.
[deleted] t1_j5vxuea wrote
[deleted] t1_j5vy2dg wrote
Icy_Baby_2553 t1_j5vy47x wrote
China: This is my own private domicile, and I will not be harassed
Maleficent_Wolf6394 t1_j5vytat wrote
And grammar criminals too?
Goodkat203 t1_j5w6ovt wrote
About as likely as America deciding to not help Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion on the basis of being pissed about that time the east bombed Pearl Harbor.
herpaderp43321 t1_j5w9v03 wrote
so...150 something years ago if the bot is correct? Damn talk about holding a grudge. Then again maybe china WONT be sore about it if they find out we can just do it again...and this time around they won't be able to do much about it.
[deleted] t1_j5w9xtw wrote
[deleted] t1_j5wau00 wrote
x_is_mad t1_j5wdg78 wrote
Methoxetamine. It was made in China but was banned. Its similar to ketamine.
bobslapsface t1_j5wez1f wrote
No I didn't say Abe Lincoln I said hey Blinken! Hold the reigns man
DavefromKS t1_j5wflg5 wrote
He's a Blinken beacon.
0pimo t1_j5wg4tv wrote
I imagine that the CCP is doing it intentionally and this is part of the reason why.
Assuming the CCP is our friend is dumb.
The only solution is to tell them to stop, or we stop exporting energy and food to them and they can starve.
Legitimate_Phrase_41 t1_j5wh4k5 wrote
Focus on Mexico
wart365 t1_j5wm4h6 wrote
So long as I can order a vial of "research" chemicals from China I can order fentanyl. This is a problem with how the US makes it so easy to buy such chemicals and import them. If the government had any balls, they'd just restrict such imports entirely except to accredited institutions and licensed pharmacists. It'd shove it all into an underground black market, but it's already a grey market and it can start a discussion about decriminalizing possession and focusing on distribution instead.
dumpmaster42069 t1_j5wpx7q wrote
Revenge for the opium wars in full swing. They have a long memory.
dumpmaster42069 t1_j5wqap0 wrote
Yeah actually most of China is still very pissed about the centuries of disrespect the west showed them when they were to weak to do anything. You’re talking about a country with a very Long view on time going backwards or forwards
Tarnishedcockpit t1_j5wu3fe wrote
My grand daddy didn't storm the beaches of Normandy for this.
H4xolotl t1_j5wxzo2 wrote
Waltuh: "I'm something of a pharmacist myself"
[deleted] t1_j5x09ua wrote
wastingvaluelesstime t1_j5x3hg2 wrote
that's no longer the main issue. It was 20 years ago, but now it is a china->mexico->us pipe killing 100k annually
wastingvaluelesstime t1_j5x3szc wrote
if we really want to put brakes on this there has be some consideration that would cause china or mexico to do something, or some direct action against those doing the smuggling
Varrocker93 t1_j5x5mwo wrote
Literally halfway to blinkerton
DayOfDingus t1_j5x6cup wrote
I guess we can just blame the Chinese for being dumbasses and getting addicted to heroine a bit ago, mr Asian first?
AMAFSH t1_j5x9pyy wrote
Opium War Three, the Re-opiuming.
GoPointers t1_j5xbx8d wrote
No way. China banned something that they could profit off of while trying to destroy the West? Don't believe it.
Propagation931 t1_j5xcuz5 wrote
>or we stop exporting energy and food to them and they can starve.
Couldnt they just import energy nd food from somewhere else? Not to mention the pushback from the respective food nd energy sectors which would hurt politically (since the trade deficit with China likely went up cus u killed exports) esp with 2024 elections so close.
chadenright t1_j5xcy0q wrote
If we decriminalized possession we'd have to fuel our prison industry with some other widespread crime. Maybe make driving 5 over the speed limit into a felony with a three strikes rule; third time you're 20 to life.
I mean, those corporations gotta profit right? They employ like literally a million prison guards, and if we stopped feeding people into the machine all those guards would be out a job.
Luckily between the cartels, the pharmacies and the for-profit prison corps there is plenty of money to bribe congress with and a majority of corrupt congress critters right now. We won't have to worry about winning the drug war any time in the near future.
m0le t1_j5xd6rn wrote
I'm surprised more countries haven't gone the way the UK did and passed deeply flawed legislation against everything psychoactive (with exceptions for some preexisting stuff).
Despite it theoretically outlawing stuff like incense, it doesn't seem to have been abused so far.
chadenright t1_j5xdfl3 wrote
It is still a problem. I had a major surgery in 2020 and coming out of it my options for painkillers were opiods or nothing. I chose nothing and am not an addict today because of it.
m0le t1_j5xdjoh wrote
You think 150 years is a long time to hold a grudge? Hahaha you sweet summer child. Ask the Irish how they feel about the potato famine, or the English about the French in general, or indeed pretty much any European country about pretty much all of their neighbours.
bob123838123838 t1_j5xe1k4 wrote
Bring_Bring_Duh_Ello t1_j5xe5tk wrote
I think the fentanyl trade will pressure the US to legalize certain drugs.
wastingvaluelesstime t1_j5xe8we wrote
yeah it is offered too easily for stuff where tylenol and/or ibuprofen would be serviceable. But the illicit fentanyl is where the bulk of the body count is coming from this year
Temnothorax t1_j5xi1bo wrote
Why would a pharmacist even need research chemicals unless they were in academia?
myrddyna t1_j5xii41 wrote
That you don't remember.
Speculawyer t1_j5xj9pk wrote
No Malarkey will be tolerated.
RickDimensionC137 t1_j5xmp1r wrote
Ketamine would be more likely to fix the west than ruin it..
jimbalaya420 t1_j5xpuk5 wrote
Interesting how those in power getting hit with fent drugs
Midnight2012 t1_j5xtm7y wrote
That wasn't America.
Midnight2012 t1_j5xtq0s wrote
Just like the west need to pay for what the chinese put in their bodies during the opium war?
Midnight2012 t1_j5xttnl wrote
It's funny. They claim the British pushing opium was unethical.
And then when they have the chance they do the same exact thing. Hypocrites.
42WallabyStreet t1_j5xyuje wrote
Nah more like payback
Svete_Brid t1_j5y28xx wrote
That was Britain. Not ‘the west’.
herpaderp43321 t1_j5y5r0v wrote
Thought the EU mostly had their issues worked out? Plus another commenter said china hates the west for "picking on them when they were too weak to do anything about it" as if the only reason china isn't strong right now is cause of the west. It's like they don't understand if they get caught off, they collapse basically on the spot. It's in their best interest here to just let something like the drug wars and what not go if they really want to prosper.
m0le t1_j5y7aso wrote
Nope. The EU as a whole has major tensions historical and current, and always will. That doesn't stop them working together when necessary but can be a little awkward. It's like an ex you've got serious history with - kids and shared property, say. Most of the time you're civil to each other, every so often it gets bitter and horrible for a while but you always manage to grit your teeth and get a working relationship going again because it'd just be disastrous if you didn't. Britain is currently sulking in the corner though sent some apology flowers to get everyone to help out their neighbour Ukraine. It's all fun and games until it turns vicious.
Midnight2012 t1_j5ya2fi wrote
So then if what the British did was wrong, then what china is doing is wrong too.
But they don't see it that way? Hence the definition of hypocrisy.
The Americans wernt even involved in the opium war numb nuts. Send the fentanyl to England.
Peter_Rainey t1_j5yb4m7 wrote
Just block chynese exporters from doibg business, watch them come running
piouiy t1_j5yf5lo wrote
China won’t stop. They know this goes on but they’re perfectly happy to let it continue. Anything which causes disruption in America is good from their POV.
lamplike t1_j5yfxcp wrote
So much nationalist hate in the comments here. Forgive me for no sauce but many experts have found the best solution is for America to decriminalize drugs and educate the population on drug safety.
Sweaty_Maybe1076 OP t1_j5yiuz9 wrote
It's convenient to have totally omitted ww2
MastamindedMystery t1_j5ypy84 wrote
Best comment ever.
Larderite1 t1_j5yrld2 wrote
Another "Chinese bad"
China actually put the entire fentanyl class of drugs under control back in 2018, on the eve of a trade war. At Trump's request.
The problem is that the demand for illegal fentanyl in the United States still exists, so India began to export large amounts of fentanyl to Mexico for Americans to smoke, in fact, Americans can now smoke illegal fentanyl on the market are basically Indian goods.
But why not go to India to talk? You see, there are two kinds of anti-drug, one is the real anti-drug, and one is to say "China is bad" in the name of anti-drug
Larderite1 t1_j5ys6ic wrote
Guess what, India is actually the number one supplier of fentanyl to the United States.
But it's easier to say "China bad", right?
[deleted] t1_j5z9df5 wrote
Sweaty_Maybe1076 OP t1_j5zh2fo wrote
A drug Classification means nothing. Here is a map you can check for origins. China is still the largest exporter of illicit Fentanyl
[deleted] t1_j5zupio wrote
dumpmaster42069 t1_j60rmf9 wrote
Yeah well things happened fast after that. Kinda spoiled the happy feelings.
dumpmaster42069 t1_j60rqil wrote
Nations don’t give a fuck about right and wrong. Just in the interest of or opposed to.
Sweaty_Maybe1076 OP t1_j60ttsx wrote
You mean a soviet proxy civil war attempt which installed Mao whom only a few years later caused the great family which killed 55 million people?
The only spoiled feelings after that I imagine is the CCP officials knowing you picked the wrong side
T4lsin t1_j61iq7w wrote
That would foil china’s plan
Midnight2012 t1_j61j4tn wrote
Ok, sucks for you. Some nations at least try to stand up for their values, even if not all the time successful.
Sweaty_Maybe1076 OP t1_j61j58w wrote
No. The US is the largest producer of food in the world
Sweaty_Maybe1076 OP t1_j61jasv wrote
This is illegal fent trade, not "research" chemicals
Propagation931 t1_j61jc9x wrote
>No. The US is the largest producer of food in the world
US is third behind India and China in terms of production. US is top in terms of exports, but its not like those all go to China which is geographically pretty far.
Sweaty_Maybe1076 OP t1_j61jetn wrote
So is it the start or the continuance that is the enemy?
dumpmaster42069 t1_j61o9h4 wrote
Lol no they don’t.
Sweaty_Maybe1076 OP t1_j61q5we wrote
Do you know why the entire food chain is disrupted right now? Ukraine. And they do not hold a candle to the US exports.
If the US were to cease food production (exports), the entire comforts you know will cease to exist, regardless of the country you live in
Propagation931 t1_j61yy5y wrote
>If the US were to cease food production (exports),
Presumably, the US wouldnt cease exports to all countries if its beef was with China and drugs. In fact, doing so would greatly strengthen China on the diplomatic stage since the US just pissed off almost every1 due to. The Hardest hit would be the pooerer countries like in Africa and Latin America which are also the countries China is trying to woo.
>entire food chain is disrupted
Not to mention the huge domestic issues from basically wrecking a huge portion of its export industry and all the jobs and families it would affect. The current opposition (Republicans) would pounce on this claiming the Dems basically destroyed tons of Jobs, starved a ton of poor countries, and raised the Trade Deficit. The Dems could basically kiss 2024 and likely 2026 good bye.
Fit-Impression-9010 t1_j5vc298 wrote
It’d be funny if they kept him.