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rocketmallu t1_j5ogxid wrote

>Sounds like a move in the right direction

You think the US is just going to sit back and let it happen?

Edit: Wow, so many downvotes. When was the last time the US supported democratically elected South American governments who nationalize or stop exploitation of their national resources


julian509 t1_j5owz9o wrote

What would make you think the US would move to stop this change? The fact that the US has been demanding Brazil to reduce rainforest cutting for years now?


miscellaneous-bs t1_j5okzx6 wrote

The US isn't the primary driver of deforestation in Brazil.


rocketmallu t1_j5poj5a wrote

Not directly no, but a majority of the deforestation is due to cattle ranchers who export beef to the US.

Ending deforestation in the Amazon threatens the American way of life,v and reduces American’s freedom to consume beef


bay_duck_88 t1_j5qdau4 wrote

Nearly all the beef consumed in the US comes from domestic cows. It’s Europe that eats the Amazonian beef.


Redqueenhypo t1_j5pbkly wrote

The US has all the beef it needs, Brazil isn’t even one of our largest sellers. Also we have an enormous managed timber industry. There is no financial incentive for us to sabotage this.


SjurEido t1_j5ppsok wrote

It's so cute that you think the US will do something in the name of the greater good.


rocketmallu t1_j5pqf5o wrote

I think you misinterpret. The US has never supported or allowed democratically elected governments in South America.

Indigenous people taking over their natural resources?

USA: not on my watch


SjurEido t1_j5q6kgn wrote

I did absolutely misinterpret you. My bad, you're right.


pk10534 t1_j5qh1ht wrote

Really? The US hasn’t supported just about every democratically elected president of Colombia? The US doesn’t support Lula, Rouseff or Bolsonaro? How about in Chile and Argentina, neither of which are under authoritarian rule and still enjoy US support?

I get the CIA did some shitty things back in the mid-20th century, but good god that statement is absurd.
