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Ceratisa t1_j6j5aos wrote

Sadly Africa hasn't been listening. Russia will continue to draw manpower and extract resources from Africa for this conflict.


MDNick2000 t1_j6j714m wrote

"Beware those imperialists and neocolonialists from the East !" © Imperialists and neocolonialists from the West


JP76 t1_j6j8nd6 wrote

Wagner didn't start using sledgehammers for torture and executions in Ukraine. They started in Syria and used them on Syrians. I have no doubts they'll use their methods in Africa as well.

Leader of Wagner encourages that behavior.


LoneRonin t1_j6jtmrv wrote

Pretty sure those countries will realize it's a bad idea when some men think the money is worth the risk and sign up, then never come back. I doubt enough will sign up to significantly boost Wagner's ranks or offset their loss of personnel. The bigger issue is Wagner getting their hands on resources to fund the war.


bearded__jimbo t1_j6jy0n5 wrote

They would be doing South Africa a favour if they recruited prisoners.


Stock_Rush2555 t1_j6k3udb wrote

South Africa is not listening. Some SA politician was JUST in the news for agreeing with Russia about a new world order without the west.

South African politicians are naive, unfortunately. Its sad to see a country that's struggled so much with exploitation cuddle up to a sociopathic regime, but what can you do? The narrative of blaming the west for your problems is just easy, and it's just way too common to ignore the good things the west does, so no one bats an eye at it.


VersusYYC t1_j6kf6lk wrote

It’s pretty sad that Russia must stoop to slavery and human trafficking to try and make progress on the battlefield.

Few warriors of their own so they’re trying to shake down over-crowded prisons in poor countries under autocratic or corrupt regimes.


Nucl3arDude t1_j6kgr7b wrote

The ANC is not naive, just viciously and systemically corrupt. They know the institutions of South African statehood have been raped, depleted and looted by their own hands, it's just a matter of time before they lose any central authority from Pretoria, probably in the next 20 years or so.

Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.

In all seriousness, they're just taking the money, saying what Russia/China wants so long as it personally enriches them and will probably find themselves in quiet exile in 20 years. Probably in Singapore, and never having to face the consequences of their looting of an entire country's wealth and prosperity, and still not actually throwing in and living amongst the shithole states they claim to idolise.


Frasine t1_j6ldglq wrote

This take is incredibly off the rails. If you read any opinions from South Africans they're ripping open a new asshole into the ANC over this issue, amongst all the other corruption scandals that's been happening for quite a while now.


Frasine t1_j6li4sw wrote

No? It's not even relevant to the ANC deciding to suck up to the Russians, at quite literally the worst time possible. It's like they're intentionally pissing off their already incensed population for shit and giggles.


MGMAX t1_j6mfu3y wrote

There's footage of them doing exactly that in CAR and news of their atrocities there pop up from time to time, much to everyone's apathy.

Blaming west for "neocolonialism" when you have actual human trafficking and summary executions carried out by russian funded criminal organisation is peak tankie