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Grower0fGrass t1_j66lc1n wrote

Yeah, but there are millions of young people who do care what she thinks…

There are millions of old men who piss their pants in fury at what she thinks…

There are companies who have invested millions in astroturfing against her because they are afraid about what she thinks…

And there are people like you, whose thoughts very few give two shits about TBH.

So you now, whatevs.

She thinks we should listen to the science, and she’s having impact…a lot of fucking impact. You can thank her once her voting block becomes fully age-activated.


CheeseIsAHypothesis t1_j67ihpm wrote

Are you seriously offended that someone doesn't care what she thinks?


qwerty_38 t1_j67zlf0 wrote

He wrote a paragraph defending her.You can't make this shit up lol


Grower0fGrass t1_j67yufc wrote

Modelling apathy is classic astroturfing at worst, an awful example at best. The production of apathy is now industry strategy.
