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RedBlueTundra t1_j6guvmf wrote

In terms of speed I think the best solution is more Soviet equipment or modernised variants of Soviet equipment from former Warsaw Pact members and potentially other nations that also use Soviet equipment if they can be persuaded.

Western equipment is going to take time both with training and establishing logistical links. The Soviet equipment would be a good stop quick gap measure until the more sophisticated Western equipment is ready to roll.


Abizuil t1_j6gxokn wrote

Issue is that the US/EU have bought and shipped all the Warsaw Pact kit they could get their hands on already. They are sending NATO equipment because there is no more Warsaw Pact gear that is not inside of Russia or will be spared by their current owners.


Pleeo t1_j6jbh1g wrote

Sounds like US could broker deals in which NATO gear is sent to countries that have soviet gear on condition they send their soviet gear to Ukraine.


lollypatrolly t1_j6i4y95 wrote

Old soviet gear is simply not sufficient as it doesn't confer a technological advantage over Russian gear. It's a stopgap measure, nothing more.

What Ukraine actually needs is modern NATO equipment such as another 500+ Bradleys, some latest block F-16s, ATACMS and any artillery piece we can scrounge up. This war is not going away any time soon, and the sooner we realize that Ukrainian victory requires a serious investment in equipment the better.

Enabling Ukraine to, at scale, strike targets deep inside Russia will help to level the playing field, and this should be the absolute highest priority in terms of equipment delivery.


Pinguinwithgatling t1_j6ie1zo wrote

Ah aircraft carrier too and let's change the flag cos two colours it's just too boring make it three colours with lots of stars!!


lollypatrolly t1_j6iegcb wrote

Why would they want an aircraft carrier? They have airfields, which are like unsinkable aircraft carriers.


lonigus t1_j6hngmb wrote

Most EX-soviet EU countries sold their tanks to Africa, Asia and South America after the collapse of USSR. The ones that are left are rotting away in hangars or are scrap metal.


LordRumBottoms t1_j6ibaiy wrote

While we all want to help, the logistics are massive and you can't arm a country over night. Imagine all the flights and heavy equipment to gas, train folks on, even the munitions need to be moved. I think we're trying as fast as we can while also managing our own shit.


Firm_Introduction69 t1_j6j787p wrote

The US is clearly running out of old equipment to send to Ukraine, they're now sending BFVs and M1 Abrams. I would also take that as a sign that things aren't going well for Ukraine right now, running out of able body soldiers.