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dunker_- t1_j4u3yxw wrote

Absolutely. Just virtue signalling and actually weakening the whole point. It should just read 'on any ground', period.


RemcoProgrammer t1_j4uh0ya wrote

But that'd be meaningless too. Government can't do its thing without discriminating between people, or we'd all pay the exact same amount of tax and receive the exact same benefits, et cetera.


dunker_- t1_j4vhell wrote

Well, as you can read, that is what it says already now: "op welke andere grond dan ook."


RemcoProgrammer t1_j4vhzmm wrote

Yes. Which people consider a bit useless I think (because it's obviously not how it works), so they want to spell out the important things explicitly?


dunker_- t1_j4virl1 wrote

Either all, or nothing - that is what I meant. 0 or 1 :)

But to be honest, I think it already works, and there is no real need to change it. People only point at it to get attention for their specific cause and agenda, and that's not a good thing in my opinion.