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egotim t1_j6eka8p wrote

germany only has typhoons and eurofighter, only fighter jet that was discussed before was f16


Disastrous-Order7587 t1_j6lh1c1 wrote

I read Germany has about 90 ready to be decommissioned but capable Tornado fighters being replaced by F-35’s. If they are serviceable capable jets why not send them all to Ukraine at the very least it would save him having to trans get them to the aviation junk yard. NATO will send fighters eventually but to late Scholz will make sure of that dragging his feet and wasting as much time as possible, that man is a total Dick Head.


egotim t1_j6mjqsr wrote

these aircrafts are highly specialized to transport nuclear bombs. unless you plan to transport nukes you cant use them.


Greg1817 t1_j6f3qs6 wrote

Germany also has Tornadoes, which are multirole aircraft. While very old, Germany could still send those if Ukraine wanted.


CrimsonShrike t1_j6g7nh1 wrote

Tornados are for the nuclear deterrent and a couple roles eurofighter cannot currently perform.


BurnTrees- t1_j6hdkbd wrote

Next to logistical issues for such old jets, the tornadoes are used in the nuclear sharing program. So by delivering them to Ukraine, Germany would give up its (already limited) nuclear deterrent in a time where risk of nuclear escalation is higher than it has been in many decades.

Let’s be honest, no country would do this.