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goBoss98 t1_j6fez8j wrote

He doesn't have any that can fly


Tokyogerman t1_j6gs33q wrote

Eurofighters have a really good readieness rating in German reports. But they don't have F16s.


Ree_m0 t1_j6hzt1m wrote

A readiness rating in German reports is questionable at best and delusional at worst, just look at when we tested the Pumas a few months ago, not a single one passed.


Tokyogerman t1_j6kgf6t wrote

Another one who didn't hear about the follow up report, that all "issues" with the Puma were minor. Which is the real issue with the readyness statistic just the other way around, that even really minor things make the machine count as not combat ready, even though it would be in a real war.