geophilo t1_j6ii2lc wrote
Why is an Islamic terrorist group destroying mosques? Enlighten me, I'm missing something.
Lotharofthepotatoppl t1_j6ikg8q wrote
Violent extremists who think the Muslims all around them aren’t Muslim enough.
cAArlsagan t1_j6ilgal wrote
Jihadists mostly kill Muslims.
geophilo t1_j6imjvd wrote
Fair enough
throawayacc1984 t1_j6ikon3 wrote
They aren't muslim enough probably, or maybe they are the wrong kind of muslim.
avilashrath t1_j6iqftt wrote
zumbadumbadumdum t1_j6ljm9o wrote
The mosque was inside a police complex. Most people dead are Pakistani police. The Taliban don't like Pakistan establishment. Seems weird since Pakistan hoped that the Taliban government would be favourable than a secular government in afganistan.
Motorized23 t1_j6j72vl wrote
As a Muslim, I'm just as confused. Just confirms that extremism and terrorists have no religion. They're just fanatics that are brainwashed.
geophilo t1_j6jaua0 wrote
Dark times my friend. I live near Dearborn in Michigan USA, huge Muslim population. Nicest people I've ever met. And the best food. God bless.
Motorized23 t1_j6jk6gg wrote
I see things are LARGELY getting better!
Side note - I've been meaning to go to Dearborn MI for some good food!
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