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autotldr t1_j6lqvo5 wrote

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 91%. (I'm a bot)

> At a more granular level, a committee led by the EU's drugs regulator, the European Medicines Agency, has recommended that rules be loosened to allow pharmacies to dispense pills or medicine doses individually, among other measures.

> A European Medicines Agency's working group on shortages could decide on Thursday whether to recommend that the Commission declares the drug shortages a "Major event" - an official label that would trigger some EU-wide action.

> "I think it will sort itself out, but that depends on the peak of infections," said Adrian van den Hoven, director general of generics medicines lobby Medicines for Europe.

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and_dont_blink t1_j6m7y86 wrote

>In Germany, the president of the German Medical Association went so far as to call for the creation of informal "flea markets" for medicines, where people could give their unused drugs to patients who needed them. And in France and Germany, pharmacists have started producing their own medicines — though this is unlikely to make a big difference, given the extent of the shortfall.

I love how the article then says "some think it's not so bad" andncallinfnan and calling an emegency isnt necessary but they're handing out single pills, suggesting people getting together and swapping medication like Pokemon and now have guys who aren't trained for it breaking bad in their basements. It's not like this is about sending tanks to Ukraine, time to get proactive.


Potatopeeler137 t1_j6mba4h wrote

Maybe it wasn't a great idea to move the main production of critical items like fucking medicine to China, while the few manufacturers still producing internally are being forced to close by rising operative costs from terrible fucking energy policy.

Another problem happening because politicians are incapable of thinking further than 1 week ahead


Senator_45 t1_j6o1oyh wrote

They should not outsource API production outside Europe