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Sufficient-Object-89 t1_j6mtt1u wrote

Yeah! Let's punish the athletes because a dictator did a thing..oh wait that's dumb.


woliphirl t1_j6nc34u wrote

The IOC has revoked a total of 149 medals In its history, due to athletes doping.

Russia makes up 51 of those medals revoked.

They are not actual competitors, they cheat.

It's very telling. im curious your thoughts on that.


systemshock18 t1_j6mv6vl wrote

That is right, 1936 Nazi Germany Olympics were all about sport and not because a dictator did a thing.


Yelmel t1_j6n7lcl wrote

Russia as a whole needs to support the genocide campaign against Ukraine for it to happen. It wasn't Putin Khan shooting tied up people on the streets of Bucha. Russia is doing a thing and that thing is the crime of genocide.

Yes let's punish Russia. Remove any sense of pride their athletes might bring to bandage over their war criminal image.