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SentientHotdogWater t1_j6n9nv7 wrote

>India experienced a socialist system for its first five decades which made people poor.

Yep, that's what made India poor. Definitely didn't have anything to do with centuries of British colonialism.


Indus-ian t1_j6nbqr8 wrote

Yes the colonial occupation was the biggest cause. But when India got independence it could have charted a better economic model for faster prosperity.


SentientHotdogWater t1_j6ndp0b wrote

Can you give me an example of a post-colonial nation that was able to become economically prosperous immediately after obtaining freedom using only free market capitalist economics?


Indus-ian t1_j6nf9fe wrote

I didn’t claim an immediate prosperity from a colonial rule.
I can’t really fault the economic policies from independence to around 60’s. What caused the slow growth was a bunch of economic policies that included nationalisation in the 70s. That crippled the economy and almost went bankrupt in late eighties and nineties.