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Bunniemonkey t1_j6ds9wk wrote

If you head to r/Ukraine there's a list of vetted charities one being a program that provides stoves to those trying to survive the cold. If you're not comfortable donating to the military, there are plenty of non combat programs to support.


[deleted] t1_j6dxf1i wrote



ripvannwinkler t1_j6dzo81 wrote

What part of

> > If you're not comfortable donating to the military

doesn't compute for you?


Player-X t1_j6g6973 wrote

The part where Russia runs a bunch of online disinformation campaigns?


[deleted] t1_j6e5wz7 wrote



Bunniemonkey t1_j6eauht wrote

It's a russian victory when a family that couldn't leave freezes to death in the cold. Every Ukrainian family you keep alive is a victory against the russians. Personally I choose to support the civilians but very much support the military in my heart.


DMAN591 t1_j6enjkn wrote

I donated $50 to a Ukranian non-military charity. Why? Because I served 12 years in the US Army with 4 deployments under my belt, and I know the things that happen off-camera in a time of war, and I don't want to directly fund any part of that.