Submitted by IntelligentCicada363 t3_10y5uy2 in CambridgeMA
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Submitted by zeratul98 t3_yv4dcd in CambridgeMA
gidklio t1_j7w9iv0 wrote
Full report (from last November) here: [\_northmassavepostimplementationanalysis.pdf](
Master_Dogs t1_ixjk36e wrote
Reply to comment by plantboy97 in Brattle St Bike Lane by plantboy97
that intersection and make it clearer where the bike lane is. Probably worth a 311 report: plus a follow-up email to Cambridge's City Councilors: and maybe
ClarkFable t1_iwalf1i wrote
Reply to comment by blackdynomitesnewbag in Paint-only bike lanes on one of Cambridge's busiest bike routes will get upgraded with physical protection in 2023 by streetsblogmass
weekday evening in mid-September 2019. Car counts from February 2018. Transit data from 2018 " : Proof of bias because of seasonal effects: p. 3 (showing January counts falling to less than ... Note this data isn't specific to Hampshire St., but the seasonal trends are clear enough
this_moi t1_jde26ee wrote
Reply to comment by Comfortable-Most808 in Cambridge will pause towing for street cleaning days but fine $50 by CaballoDePalo
There is indeed such a program. It's mentioned on the [Street Cleaning website]( and is available [here](
birdprom t1_izt51qv wrote
city will pick these items up for recycling. Schedule a mattress pickup here - and clothing/textile pickup here - There is also a collection bin for clothing and textile recycling
andr_wr t1_j3soi0b wrote
Reply to Plans for Lechmere Square? by FurbiesInsideMe
other buildings on Gore and Cambridge Streets. Also some sort of plaza facing Cambridge Street. [\_stationplaza\_20200413.pdf#page=6](
-Anarresti- OP t1_jb7x76l wrote
Reply to The city is holding its second community meeting on the Hampshire Street protected bike lanes tomorrow from 6-8 p.m by -Anarresti-
learn more about the project from the slides presented during the first community meeting here: **How to join:** Click this link: and follow the instructions on how to join
Submitted by blackdynomitesnewbag t3_z73won in CambridgeMA
Cambridge City Council is holding a [Roundtable]( to discuss Municipal Broadband today, Monday November 28 at 5:30PM, in the Sullivan Chamber (the usual City Council meeting room) at City Hall. Please ... base of support for municipal broadband in Cambridge. You can send an email to [individual councilors]( or the whole council and the city manager this weekend so they will get it before
Submitted by stannenb t3_11t4od9 in CambridgeMA
comprehensive year-long municipal broadband feasibility study, [*Municipal Broadband in Cambridge: Feasibility and Business Model Options*]( The report examines the feasibility of the City of Cambridge implementing a municipal fiber ... years of operations. Download the [*Municipal Broadband in Cambridge: Feasibility and Business Model Options* *report*](
Master_Dogs t1_iw0mugc wrote
Reply to Holiday Parking Restrictions by socialmagnet
version the best I could find was the 24 hour rule for non-permit cars. Source: Relevant bit: > Understanding When Meters are In Effect > Signs at meters that say "Except
ClarkFable t1_iwcyav6 wrote
Reply to comment by crazicus in Paint-only bike lanes on one of Cambridge's busiest bike routes will get upgraded with physical protection in 2023 by streetsblogmass
here is the project plan that notes the impact on vehicle lanes, parking and loading. []( My work here is done, unless you can think of something else to argue about. Cheers
plantboy97 OP t1_ixiyqbo wrote
Reply to Brattle St Bike Lane by plantboy97
this is the one
Master_Dogs t1_ixjj7sq wrote
Reply to comment by plantboy97 in Brattle St Bike Lane by plantboy97
They're planning on doing this; see the project page for details: Concrete curbing is the ultimate plan but the City is dumb and didn't order them soon enough, so they
Master_Dogs t1_ixjjbhr wrote
Reply to comment by this_moi in Brattle St Bike Lane by plantboy97
they can't just provide guidance and hope for the best. [That's the plan:]( > Beginning next week, the City will install Phase 1 of the Brattle Street Safety Improvement Project
Rosabelle334 t1_iy8rqr7 wrote
Holiday Arts Market is this weekend and next, I'm sure there will be options there! [](
greyfiel t1_iyb0n0f wrote
Reply to comment by Taradacty1 in Anyone have a Kindle Paperwhite, and that would be willing to show me how it works? Just a quick meet for a few minutes. I’m trying to understand clarity and contrast before buying unseen. I’m by Danehy Park. Thanks. by meratherbebikin
this front, the public library no longer carries kindles, [as seen on their website](
andr_wr t1_iysn70b wrote
Reply to Swimming in Cambridge by RickRollmyDMs]( The War Memorial is the city's public swimming facility. They have a 25 yard pool. The current (Fall 2022) schedule is found at the URL above. Looks like evening lap swims
zepporamone t1_izt2lm5 wrote
free as part of their mattress recycling program. You can find out more [here.]( Whatever you do, just don't be one of those derps who dumps their used mattress in front
pattyorland t1_j006ms4 wrote
Reply to comment by dny6 in Whole-home water filtration to improve appliance reliability? by MDR_25
chloride, sodium, and total dissolved solids that are through the roof. Source:
grainzzz t1_j02f5gh wrote
Cambridge has lots of speed studies performed by the city. You can find it here:
Id_Solomon t1_j03c35u wrote
Reply to comment by Wombo194 in How Logan Airport almost destroyed East Boston — and how East Boston is still fighting back by MrLaffertyteeingoff
actually go around the side of the Micro Center store and see the [mural depiction]( of said battle
bianguyen t1_j0x35we wrote
Reply to My car got towed for street cleaning, however, there was no scheduled cleaning on either sides of the street. I got ticketed/towed, and this cost me $200. by Ioseb_Hates_Money
check the [street cleaning schedule here.]( The schedule will shift it it falls on a holiday, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. According to the signs, you were
pelican_chorus t1_j1477p1 wrote
Reply to comment by Ioseb_Hates_Money in My car got towed for street cleaning, however, there was no scheduled cleaning on either sides of the street. I got ticketed/towed, and this cost me $200. by Ioseb_Hates_Money
Zone E (odd on 2nd Thursday). Zone E borders Zone C on River Street (see map: []( One side of River St is Zone E and the other side is Zone
SheeEttin t1_j2kxa80 wrote
Massachusetts regarding misrepresentation of housing. It's probably just covered by regular contract law. More resources:
Adrnshw6 t1_j3sh3qe wrote
Reply to Plans for Lechmere Square? by FurbiesInsideMe
only definitive thing I've seen is what's posted here:,Street%20and%20O'Brien%20Highway.
ClarkFable t1_j3sjsbe wrote
Reply to Plans for Lechmere Square? by FurbiesInsideMe
Small triangle is going to be landscaped greenspace (see page 45) []( I don't think any structure has been approved for the rest of the site where the old station
Capable-Still2060 t1_j3tg1r2 wrote
Reply to Quite a turnout at the anti police brutality rally in honor of Sayed Faisel. The crowd demands accountability from the CPD for the shooting. There is currently a city council meeting happening where people from the rally and the community are expected to speak. by Harmony_w
said. > >Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui and City Manager Yi-An Huang, in a joint [statement](, said they were “deeply saddened” by Wednesday’s shooting. They offered condolences to Faisal’s family
Hyperbowleeeeeeeeeee t1_j48q5w5 wrote
Reply to comment by member_member5thNov in Covered patios by jimpaulmitsi
like the City Council itself has to vote on approvals. So that's a high bar.
greyfiel t1_j6vhea5 wrote
Reply to comment by bostonronin in Maker Spaces around Cambridge? by [deleted]
have a drill press, but you can view their available equipment online. [Here’s their website]( and [their equipment list](
Master_Dogs t1_j7g1zq9 wrote
estate agent * if it's the landlord, you can go to [the Cambridge MA Property Database]( and look them up, or look up the address you're interested in. If they
BuckyWunderlick007 t1_j7spth8 wrote
From the Cambridge Traffic & Parking Website: []( “If your ticket is not dismissed, you may pay the ticket or request an in-person hearing at the Traffic, Parking, and Transportation Department
1998_2009_2016 t1_j8ngriv wrote
Reply to comment by IntelligentCicada363 in Most towns are going along with the state’s new multifamily housing law. Not Middleborough. by TouchDownBurrito
Malden: All of that light yellow is 6,000 sqft. Cambridge: The light yellow "A-1" between Harvard and the cemetary is the only 6000 sqft remaining. Nowhere
itamarst OP t1_j8pv5sg wrote
Reply to comment by ClarkFable in Support more affordable housing in Cambridge: quick action, very long explanation by itamarst
grants from the City actually come from the Affordable Housing Trust, not the City budget ([]( In general my impression is that these are one-off grants, to pay for purchase and construction
TheSausageKing t1_ja645u8 wrote
city has some good information about them here: Fundamentally, the difference is that if you buy a condo, you're buying a specific unit and it's yours. With
ClarkFable t1_jaa7y5l wrote
Reply to comment by Opposite_Match5303 in Don’t ride your scooter on sidewalk by jamesishere
technically allowed, but you can't really operate it at normal biking speed. source:
vhalros t1_jbbcxqd wrote
Reply to comment by Lemna24 in Cambridge bike lane lawsuit dismissed by ik1nky
seen some improvements; the segments immediately before and after that should see construction completed by 2026:
cos t1_jc31cen wrote
Reply to comment by blackdynomitesnewbag in Board of Zoning Appeals shutting down Starlight Square, rejecting city council & Central Sq. Business Improv. Assn. requests to renew by Cav_vaC
Zoning Appeals is part of the Inspectional Services Department, so send them some feedback via - I don't know who receives and routes those messages, it may not be a board
AmnesiaInnocent t1_jc7qwub wrote
Reply to comment by KuyaBloom in The box to select this parking permit is greyed out, anyone have a fix? by KuyaBloom
would suggest you give them a [call](
commentsOnPizza t1_jcyxrfy wrote
order to comply with this zoning, it seems like one would have to buy multiple buildings. 58 Fayette St is a pretty standard Cambridge 3-decker. The lot size
itamarst t1_jddtttg wrote
Reply to comment by noob_tube03 in Electric chargers coming to Inman Street next to City Hall Annex by Financial_Assist_786
about this. There's a page where you can make suggestions, with links to existing stations: []( (The suggestion map is [](, I believe the purple stations are existing municipal charging
FitzCats t1_jde2h4k wrote
Reply to comment by Comfortable-Most808 in Cambridge will pause towing for street cleaning days but fine $50 by CaballoDePalo
There is, it’s very clearly present on the city street cleaning page:
Pleasant_Influence14 t1_isuzqw1 wrote
Reply to First Street Garage busy on Christmas? by Dent7777
just need proof of residency to get a visitor pass for guest parking. More info here: The first street garage probably won’t be busy on Christmas either but maybe call them
PandaSmanda t1_jdyjrc5 wrote
Reply to comment by CambridgeSomerville in Residential Exemption by [deleted]
Real Estate Property Abatement Form is unavailable as the due date, November 21, 2022 has passed.](
Hyperbowleeeeeeeeeee t1_itm6ot3 wrote
Reply to comment by InfiniteState in Starbucks in Central Square by vbm-seaside-71
include the most recent data, but you can see that things are really dramatically improved.
Hyperbowleeeeeeeeeee t1_itn2721 wrote
Reply to comment by smashey in Starbucks in Central Square by vbm-seaside-71
Crime in Cambridge has been falling for most of that period until the Pandemic.
vhalros t1_itnpn1t wrote
anything* you can't find fifty people to sign? Also, looking at the actual [traffic regulations](, section 3b, it doesn't seem like the traffic board reviews the things they think
mtmsm t1_ito2su8 wrote
Reply to comment by taylorhayward_boston in The NIMBYs are reviving the traffic board to hold up bike lanes by IntelligentCicada363
This data]( is pretty old but interesting. Driving has been on the decline, and biking has become a more and more common mode of transportation
ClarkFable t1_iwca468 wrote
Reply to comment by SavinHill in Paint-only bike lanes on one of Cambridge's busiest bike routes will get upgraded with physical protection in 2023 by streetsblogmass
usage to average car usage (although you can't tell that for certain from the source) : []( Proof of bias because of seasonal effects: p. 3 (showing January counts falling to less than ... this data isn't specific to Hampshire St., but the seasonal trends are clear enough J[\_Trends.pdf]( Don't forget to downvote for increased visibility! I know facts