50 results for
ocasas t1_jbgns5k wrote
Reply to comment by ubzrvnT in Humans Started Riding Horses 5,000 Years Ago, New Evidence Suggests by Magister_Xehanort
language. * In english, it's a bit tricky: 'American' is the accepted demonym, but [Merriam-Webster](, [Cambridge](, [Oxford Learner's]( and []( list ... with 'American history': USA history? or the continent history? Although Merriam-Webster does list [United Statesian]( as a native from the USA. [More on the subject](
generalmandrake t1_j50z4k3 wrote
Reply to comment by Prosthemadera in Steven Pinker on the power of irrationality | Choosing ignorance, incapacity, or irrationality can at times be the most rational thing to do. by IAI_Admin
reason, while the other is not rooted in reason, but is not necessarily unreasonable in nature.
UkraineWithoutTheBot t1_irjf1wh wrote
Reply to comment by stork38 in Former President Of Law Enforcement Union Edward Mullins Charged With Defrauding Union And Its Members by Bluehorsesho3
Consider supporting anti-war efforts in any possible way: [[Help 2 Ukraine](] 💙💛 [[Merriam-Webster](] [[BBC Styleguide](] ^(Beep boop
aurizon t1_istepgy wrote
changed. Some places used water gas, but it has been largely displaced by natural gas.,after%20carbureting%20as%20an%20illuminant The truth is induction cook tops and heat pumps can heat/cook for about the same cost
Kixeliz t1_isu1abf wrote
Reply to comment by Most-Sundae-2194 in Liam Madden on Rebirthing Democracy (Podcast) by pjdog603
Stunt: one performed or undertaken chiefly to gain attention or publicity Now what would you call someone running in a particular political party's primary with the stated goal of rejecting
idrajitsc t1_ith8ogn wrote
Reply to comment by Confused_Electron in [D] Comprehension issues with papers from non-English speakers by Confused_Electron]( 4th verb definition
5-On-A-Toboggan t1_itmpfvo wrote
Reply to comment by PuckSR in TIL That Matt Bissonnette, the former DEVGRU operator who, under the pseudonym Mark Owen, wrote the first book about the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden was forced to turn over the almost $7 million he made from the book because he failed to get the book approved before it was published. by GentPc
vengeful_toaster t1_itxojln wrote
Reply to comment by Ace9905 in Emperor penguins now a threatened species due to climate change, U.S. says by charmbrood
ANALOGY is a comparison of two otherwise unlike things based on resemblance of a particular aspect In this case, the comparison is between the inability to talk to either. You, for example
lumentec t1_iug51nl wrote
Reply to TIL that in ancient times, the carob seed was used to measure the worth of gems and gold since the seeds have a general uniform weight. This is where the word "karat" comes from. by kkoolook > A **carat** is a unit of weight used to measure the size of a gemstone such as a diamond. A **karat** is a measurement indicating the proportion of gold in an alloy
LearnDifferenceBot t1_iunxa16 wrote
Reply to comment by TheDanishDude in The shrinking ozone hole shows that the world can actually solve an environmental crisis by wicke_s
loose out *lose *Learn the difference [here](,commonly%2C%20a%20noun%20or%20adverb).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment
Ronny_Jotten t1_iv5me9t wrote
Reply to [D] Sigmoid Social, an alternative to Twitter by and for the AI Community by regalalgorithm
maybe the average person's) immediate reaction and association is the [second sense of sigmoid]( "of, relating to, or being the sigmoid colon". In other words, full of shit
degggendorf t1_ivey2su wrote
Reply to comment by IDecidedtoSmile in Governor debate… A question by Subject_Ad_2919
milktoast This is neither here nor there, but it's "[milquetoast](". But milk-toast is a fairly apt mental image for someone who is milquetoast
slapnflop t1_ivmkuc3 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Michael Shermer argues that science can determine many of our moral values. Morality is aimed at protecting certain human desires, like avoidance of harm (e.g. torture, slavery). Science helps us determine what these desires are and how to best achieve them. by Ma3Ke4Li3
shared. Dictionary definitions are not as clear in their reporting of usage as you insinuate: [](
Syssareth t1_ivtk296 wrote
Reply to comment by P7BinSD in Woman Cops To Meat Beating At Ohio Walmart by Byzantium
long time. Still, it was common enough at one point to make it [into the dictionary](
MattOLOLOL t1_iwglusg wrote
Reply to comment by _Electricmanscott in The Canal District bloodbath continues - Maddi’s Cookery to close after four years. by guybehindawall See definition 2. It was used correctly
iNstein t1_ix8bt3y wrote
Reply to comment by izumi3682 in GPT-4 is Almost Here, And it Looks Better than Anything Else - As GPT-3 remains a lot ambiguous, the new model could be a fraction of the futuristic bigger models that are yet to come. by izumi3682 Very common phrase, often said as tenderhooks because they sound similar and most people are not familiar with the word tenter
dualmindblade t1_ixns4hk wrote
Reply to comment by sam__izdat in [P] Stable Diffusion 2.0 Announcement by hardmaru
count as an informal license, but that's beside the point, the common sense (and [dictionary]( definition of open source doesn't have anything to do with licensing, and it has nothing
Anatar19 t1_ixr7fmd wrote
Reply to comment by Raffy87 in 'The Crown' Star, Emma Corrin, Calls for Gender-Neutral Acting Awards by chrisbokiul
first definition Your source, not mine. But lets add some others for fun. Turns out bias actually does mean that. And yes, it's the arts. They
Runbunnierun t1_ixvspyw wrote
Reply to comment by shaka893P in Cutest little possum on my fence last night 😍🇦🇺 (OC) by nymphoninnsfw
Well ACHT-ually. . . [possums are possums](
SyncMeASong t1_iy21mfz wrote
Reply to comment by felixrocket7835 in You see more suns at night than in the daytime. by ParticleDetector
Merriam-Webster has entered the chat* [sun b: a celestial body like the sun : STAR ](
omnia5-9 t1_iy2dwhl wrote
Reply to comment by DynoMiteDoodle in Zanzibar, 1947. A nanny poses with a young child she watched, named Farrokh Bulsara. by david_3536
Your oblivious to your own statements this the actual meaning to your own statement,social%20status%20or%20much%20money. Where the fuck are you going don't lose yourself no one mentioned any prophets
saraphilipp t1_iybki1c wrote
Reply to comment by pvfjr in Local Burger King has fake "raw plywood edges" on their tables by pvfjr
think you don't know what the fuck [veneer ](
night_owl37 t1_iydf1ap wrote
Reply to comment by PoorPauly in Are the divergent series appropriate for a 14-years old? by [deleted]
jbert146 t1_iyf9pqr wrote
Reply to comment by Ceratisa in Iranian Sunni Clerics Release Video Urging End To Deadly Crackdown On Protesters by DegnarOskold
Both are acceptable](
sad0panda t1_iz54piq wrote
Reply to comment by Syncope7 in Anybody else hoping Market Basket comes to Vermont? by Unique-Public-8594
AbsentEmpire t1_izh7ovu wrote
Reply to comment by jersey_girl660 in Fishtown, Point Breeze have become far wealthier in the last 10 years and other new Census findings by Dryheavemorning
usual or proper place >**specifically : to expel or force to flee from home or homeland** >that found that demographic change in gentrifying neighborhoods **was a result of typical levels
LearnDifferenceBot t1_izmcbo2 wrote
Reply to comment by GrandallFFBE in Haworth chair that my wife office was throwing away 3 years ago. by swim846
loose them *lose *Learn the difference [here](,commonly%2C%20a%20noun%20or%20adverb).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment
Scrofuloid t1_j03g6uv wrote
Reply to comment by sooprvylyn in New research shows why we hear “lemon” and not “melon” in processing incoming sounds: our brains “time-stamp” the order of incoming sounds, allowing us to correctly process the words that we hear by giuliomagnifico
Merriam Webster's lists it as an alternative pronunciation:
UnmeiX t1_j080cba wrote
Reply to comment by Millenniauld in ‘Goblin mode’ chosen as Oxford word of the year for 2022 by MatthewDM111
thanks to a guy named William Shakespeare. Interestingly, [MW says otherwise](
JDCAce t1_j08g0sj wrote
Reply to comment by HornyToad1984 in San Antonio's 'shit sandwich cop' working as a police officer again, this time in Floresville by Kw5kvb5ebis
anyone else stumbling onto this fact for the first time, check out [this Merriam–Webster article]( on the matter
IrrumaboMalum t1_j0f8em2 wrote
Reply to For those who die on the hill that “PA is a commonwealth, not a state”, I’m curious….how many states do you think there are in the USA? 50? 46? by ScrappleOnToast
distinction is in name only. Governance is the same in both states and commonwealths.
DoonFoosher t1_j1varc1 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Patrick Star commentates for a play during the Broncos-Rams game by upvoter222
sports commenters….which nobody calls them because it’s a commentary. [We can ask Merriam-Webster]( if you’re really that perturbed
cannibal_man t1_j21w7fw wrote
Reply to comment by Rpanich in Amazon begins drone deliveries in California and Texas | Amazon Prime Air wants to deliver packages within 60 minutes. by chrisdh79
What's your point. Besides being [pedantic]( comparing apples with oranges. And no, I don't see delivery cars everywhere. Only the occasional one out here in the suburbs
PercyDovetonsils t1_j24rqmb wrote
Reply to comment by MrPlowThatsTheName in Complimentary diamond cleaning? by anned42
complimentary** adjective given free as a courtesy or favor, *complimentary tickets* [](
Fordfff t1_j2d2uju wrote
Reply to comment by whitepplwithdreads in Why are some people against accessibility options? by [deleted]
issue with not understanding what the word "option" means, so here's a little help:'s%20judgment%20or%20predilections.
DustySleeve t1_j2e06j2 wrote
Reply to comment by Stitchmond in Super Early New Years Eve Daily. by popeboyQ
offer proof but here look at all them definitions. No really, do that. i dont expect you to admit being wrong based on that downtalking and back pedaling but id like
New2ThisThrowaway t1_j2e6xnr wrote
Reply to comment by Wozar in [OC] Monthly Enplaned Passengers, Hong Kong International Airport and Indianapolis International Airport, 2019-2022 by thexylom
Because enplaned is a word and it's a better fit in this context.
small-p-value t1_j34ya47 wrote
Reply to Data IS versus Data ARE. Glad to see more search results for the grammatically-correct phrasing. [OC] by prettyhugediscer
drinking and driving is clear". Replace the word "data" with "information" in your head. (Source:
cupricdagger t1_j35wp8g wrote
Reply to comment by andrew_rides_forum in Data IS versus Data ARE. Glad to see more search results for the grammatically-correct phrasing. [OC] by prettyhugediscer
plural? It is very commonly used as a mass noun, and the [Merriam-Webster usage guide]( considers this to be standard
Adeldor t1_j3e32br wrote
Reply to comment by Atalantean in give me some of your favorite space facts by ChocolatePizza2121
Within the definition of "comprehension" as ["the capacity for understanding fully,"]( I do indeed assert that distances in space fall beyond anyone's full grasp. At an intellectual level, certainly
BeavTek t1_j42cu58 wrote
going to get married or have a legit bastard? []( >a child born to parents who are not married to each other
fallowcentury t1_j4ggpup wrote
Reply to comment by Fantasyfootballl2211 in Seen in Harrisburg, Philly vernacular spreading west? by [deleted]
just talk without knowing stuff.
bdy435 t1_j5oxqez wrote
Reply to comment by Spooky2000 in New Haven Board of Ed. security officer fires gun at teen who was breaking into his car: PD by EasyE0287
higher in the northeast. Also, poor choice of word for this thread. [Draconian]( >Draconian comes from Draco, the name of a 7th-century B.C. Athenian legislator who created
ConfiaEnElProceso OP t1_j5qnlcg wrote
Reply to comment by a-german-muffin in Former Philly Mayor John Street endorses Rebecca Rhynhart by ConfiaEnElProceso
pulling ahead or falling behind as opposed to substantive coverage of the issues. See [here]( In this case the horse race aspect is that this endorsement almost certainly helps her chances
lessmiserables t1_j5z0ck8 wrote
Reply to comment by Twenty_Seven in NBCUniversal’s Peacock Tops 20M Paid Subs, Streamer’s Loss Hits $978M in Fourth Quarter by MarvelsGrantMan136
bilk is a word](
wandererarkhamknight t1_j6ksk33 wrote
Waterologist t1_j6urrgv wrote
Reply to comment by Simplified_J in [OC] Number of English Words by Length in Letters and Syllables by OfficialWireGrind
QuickSpore t1_j7d3g84 wrote
Reply to comment by BeatlesTypeBeat in Lead Plates and Land Claims in North America and Europe: When did the practice begin of burying lead plates to establish ownership of land, and why did it die out, and was it ever used successfully in a court of law to establish ownership? by whyenn
school, my internships, or my first couple jobs. It’s interesting that according to [Merriam-Webster]( they didn’t recognize lede as an appropriate variant spelling till 2008. That vibes with
erdtirdmans t1_j4hxzbe wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Seen in Harrisburg, Philly vernacular spreading west? by [deleted]
they're not. A non-specific noun isn't automatically a pronoun.