010kindsofpeople t1_j2ckfl4 wrote
I actually drilled my doors for deadbolts when I bought my house. I couldn't imagine not having deadbolts with big strike plates and long long screws into reenforced studs. I know, it's silly, but I've done this on every place I've lived. It's been a great list: LA, NYC, Oakland, Baltimore... Heh
010kindsofpeople t1_j2cheev wrote
Reply to comment by Psychological-Bear-9 in Feel safe by Kazbob48
I'm from a shitty neighborhood in California originally. I obsessively lock my house and car doors, even if only leaving for a moment. My Mainer friends think it's weird. Can't take the Slater Slums outta this boy.
010kindsofpeople OP t1_j0u7zug wrote
Reply to comment by GoArmyNG in Happy Chanukah to ALL from Portland! by 010kindsofpeople
I upvoted you. I agree.
I'm just a sucker for a big ol menorah and free gelt wherever I can get it.
010kindsofpeople t1_jd180s1 wrote
Reply to comment by synaeryn12345 in Chevy Trax AWD in Maine by [deleted]
It's four wheel drive, not four wheel turn, or four wheel stop. It will help you get going but honestly probably hurt you more as all wheel drive cars are heavier.
Light, fwd cars with snow tires are better for the vast majority of people. Of course there's use cases for all wheel drive and four wheel drive, but most people don't need it. Marketing has worked great.