1234nameuser t1_iwvo4oi wrote
Reply to comment by maxanderson350 in "What suggestions do you have for the transportation system across the region?" by d_c_chillin
I can't even fathom what the toll charges would be to fund it. $60? 100?
1234nameuser t1_ivkpsfz wrote
Reply to comment by buried_lede in Home heating looks grim in the NE, according to this article, but exactly how does one hoard heating oil? by buried_lede
>Unfortunately we are also screwing up the offshore wind so much that they’ve changed the auction rules to protect consumers more because of the crazy prices the leases went for here in NE.
Was this in regards to the last auction round in spring? I recall seeing some crazy high prices.
Shame that oil & gas companies are just sitting on their offshore leases doing nothing while offshore wind scrambles to make up the gap in energy supply.
1234nameuser t1_ivkowf6 wrote
Reply to Home heating looks grim in the NE, according to this article, but exactly how does one hoard heating oil? by buried_lede
I filled up the neighbors well, should be set for a few years.
1234nameuser t1_iuwof8u wrote
Reply to Backpacking/camping buddies? by Stinky_kittyUwU
1234nameuser t1_iuk8o62 wrote
Remember this when dealers lobby politicians for benefits / market restrictions
They are not here to help you.
1234nameuser t1_iujrcx8 wrote
Not me, i enjoy my 9-5 and am way too lucky. 1B would just tempt me to quit/move. /s
1234nameuser t1_iuhh110 wrote
Reply to comment by Goingone in What is the justification for taxing horses? by [deleted]
Actually, due to economies of scale, the more toilets you own the lower your effective tax is per toilet.
1234nameuser t1_iuhgtiu wrote
Reply to comment by Stop_Already in What is the justification for taxing horses? by [deleted]
This tax sounds even dumber when you describe it like that.
1234nameuser t1_iuftvq4 wrote
Reply to How do you think the 5¢ nip tax is going? Have you seen less of these little bottles all over the place? by MongooseProXC
Anything I pay a deposit for is NOT going to be recycled.
I'd appreciate if you put a recycling bin in front of store.....kind of think that would be an obvious way to reduce trash?
...but charging me to juggle my trash so I can recycle my 2L jugs is doing the exact opposite.
1234nameuser t1_iud68ex wrote
Reply to Fellow residents I know many of you are worried about heating/utility prices for winter but prepare yourself for food prices also. by IndicationOver
Considering the inflated costs New England already pays for groceries it definitely hits CT harder than most.
1234nameuser t1_iud5f06 wrote
Reply to comment by Prestigious-Tie2049 in how will you respond to the vote early question? by happyjammy123
Well, they have vot by mail where tons and tons of votes get trashed
1234nameuser t1_iud5baa wrote
Reply to comment by Prestigious-Tie2049 in how will you respond to the vote early question? by happyjammy123
This, if Columbus day is dead and indigenous peoples day now....then why is it just not moved to voting day?
These quai-holidays are nothing more than a wasteful nightmare for parents anyhow.
1234nameuser t1_iud405r wrote
Reply to Connecticut by Usedtoknowsomeone46
Yay for autocorrect and never having to type it out
1234nameuser t1_iu8oenb wrote
Reply to comment by Usedtoknowsomeone46 in Connecticut's offshore wind push could use some focus by jr_reddit
What charges me up is all that hot air blowing from fishing needs to go back to the grid
1234nameuser t1_iu42wtn wrote
Reply to comment by Kolzig33189 in Connecticut high school locked down after email threat | fox61.com by Usedtoknowsomeone46
It's always just about how much $$$ / time you want to put into it.
Most departments can't just burn cash / time knowing the odds are it's a useless threat that will result in insufficient punitive action to justify the means.
I know the CIA / FBI does it all the time, but the military-industrial complex is very well funded.
1234nameuser t1_iu42eun wrote
Reply to Remote high school or Dropout? by SouthWindsorHS2024
Sorry, but this is just too vague. People get arrested all the time and are later found innocent. Even more so when this is a domestic dispute. Schools have to follow the laws as well.
What you haven't elaborated on at is how the school is failing to provide adequate protections or endangering your ability to learn.
1234nameuser t1_itxer5w wrote
It's just a remote controlled buggy.
1234nameuser t1_itveuf2 wrote
"If you’re drinking, you’re drinking for yourself.”
Bahahaha, dude is either a raging drunk or lives in a closet.
Not sure what defines town property but I'd agree that all parks / town greens should have drinking / smoking bans.
1234nameuser t1_ituevts wrote
Reply to comment by zgrizz in Anyone else not voting or not even interested in voting in general? by [deleted]
bruh, with taxes massively discounted in past decades the top 10% is still killing it
the US works for some, not everyone
1234nameuser t1_itpk0lz wrote
Considering how many people getting shot up at these illegal rallies down South, its only a matter of time up here.
1234nameuser t1_itgegsb wrote
I'm not going to be attacked by a dog more than once. 2nd time is fatal.
It's your right and duty to Defend your property and protect your dog.
1234nameuser t1_it898qd wrote
Reply to I mean half of the statements are true. 😂 by Drewbertsun
Not true, I celebrate any holiday that comes with candy
1234nameuser t1_iszezn9 wrote
Reply to comment by ctusa73 in Local oil distributor worried about rising prices and shortages by makeusqwirt
Isn't he the guy that fucks horses?
1234nameuser t1_iwywhdd wrote
Reply to CT Pistol Permit holders and Massachusettes Dispensaries by uuuge
It's not going to be tracked or hurt you.