
1234nameuser t1_iy7x7m9 wrote

There are no big cities in CT, but Id also recommend Westville / East Rock for getting outdoors.

You'd have either East or West rock within spitting distance which makes it easy to get outside, even in the cold months. I'm always amazed at how empty West Rock is, very peaceful.


1234nameuser t1_iy7wqbu wrote

If you're a reasonable person then it's safer than most all other 100k+ population cities in the US that aren't just another soul-sucking suburban wasteland.

It's an old city with old problems, but I've never seen trouble for those that didn't go looking for it yet.


1234nameuser t1_iy5n7hz wrote

Ah, sorry to hear that and no surprise. I'm used to this being a quick process when living elsewhere, but seems like this is a multi-billing cycle thing with the logjam of requests / delays.

Should all be tied back to the contract at date of request / signature, but needless to say there are no guarantees in life.


1234nameuser t1_ixh70ai wrote

It's funny how much CT residents pay to offset their carbon footprints through fee's / etc. and then it's like yeah, just go drive 2 hours at 80mph like everyone else.

Multiply that by a couple hundred thousands trips and there's a lot of little johnny boy's that will have respiratory issues thanks to everyone driving to MA for pickups.


1234nameuser t1_ixh5tqh wrote

"“It’s just weak to pass the buck and have a total ban,” said Burke. “It eliminates the conversation forever.”"

Thank god, no disrespect to anyone, but a flag pole should not be a "conversation piece".

Cities should be focused on protecting themselves from liability / nuisances and instituting inclusive policies where they're actually needed.