1234nameuser OP t1_ize92nc wrote
Reply to comment by kittytittymeowmeow in Heating Usage / Indoor Winter Temp Check-in by 1234nameuser
80 was my preferred room temp after 40yrs in Houston
Gonna be dying when visit family and feels like is in the 100s.
1234nameuser OP t1_ize39v9 wrote
Reply to comment by Material-Teacher1171 in Heating Usage / Indoor Winter Temp Check-in by 1234nameuser
Unfortunately with renting no secondary sources. I'd put in a pellet stove as a stop-gap measure with oil prices high if I owned, but not gonna happen with a rental.
The first floor is quite a bit open and space heaters won't run well unless start hanging blankets.
1234nameuser OP t1_ize2rk4 wrote
Reply to comment by NLCmanure in Heating Usage / Indoor Winter Temp Check-in by 1234nameuser
80deg was our standard room temp in Houston
65 would feel amazing compared to the 60 we max out at now, but very little sun here being on the backside of a hill.
1234nameuser OP t1_ize2cgf wrote
Reply to comment by Kolzig33189 in Heating Usage / Indoor Winter Temp Check-in by 1234nameuser
Yes, I think most of November it was warmer outside the house than inside with the sun....hated that.
Tried to be selective on what windows we'll use during the winter and put bubble wrap on the ones we won't open in addition to plastic.
1234nameuser t1_iycpkn2 wrote
My frustration is why am I paying a deposit on 2L diet soda bottles when Milk / OJ / Apple Juice all have far denser / higher value recyclables....with no deposit.
It still reads / feels like a soda tax to me.
1234nameuser t1_iy8brjt wrote
he'll be back on the road by this weekend
1234nameuser t1_iy7yp6r wrote
Reply to comment by MyGodItsFullOfClowns in Police: mail theft cases on the rise in Trumbull by jaydecay123
the crooks are watching you, but are you watching them?
1234nameuser t1_iy7y9oy wrote
Reply to comment by Prodigal_Angel in CT recreational pot sales will start within months, regulators say by NicoleMcIsaac
requirement to grow indoors + Eversource rates = only rich folk can afford to grow in CT anyhow
1234nameuser t1_iy7x7m9 wrote
Reply to comment by Swagnasty95 in best places to live around New Haven? by Swagnasty95
There are no big cities in CT, but Id also recommend Westville / East Rock for getting outdoors.
You'd have either East or West rock within spitting distance which makes it easy to get outside, even in the cold months. I'm always amazed at how empty West Rock is, very peaceful.
1234nameuser t1_iy7wqbu wrote
Reply to best places to live around New Haven? by Swagnasty95
If you're a reasonable person then it's safer than most all other 100k+ population cities in the US that aren't just another soul-sucking suburban wasteland.
It's an old city with old problems, but I've never seen trouble for those that didn't go looking for it yet.
1234nameuser t1_iy7w4tp wrote
These are usually drug /money related executions. Would be nice if could at least give us a hint.
1234nameuser t1_iy7un5g wrote
Back in Houston some of the nicer neighborhoods were installing plate readers at major entry points into the area's.
I look forward to this technology getting cheaper / being expanded upon. Would easily catch scumbags like this.
1234nameuser t1_iy5n7hz wrote
Reply to comment by Darondo in Switching to Constellation: beware rates have changed! by asspirate420
Ah, sorry to hear that and no surprise. I'm used to this being a quick process when living elsewhere, but seems like this is a multi-billing cycle thing with the logjam of requests / delays.
Should all be tied back to the contract at date of request / signature, but needless to say there are no guarantees in life.
1234nameuser t1_iy3s9mb wrote
Any chance you can date / time the emails for our reference? I've received the following, but no final final emails or anything yet.
Transfer Request - 18-NOV - Rate: 12.99¢/Kwh
Online Enrollment Survey email - 25-NOV
1234nameuser t1_iy3p8re wrote
Reply to comment by BlkOwndYtFam in Her Choice: One exceptional student’s stand against UConn’s Covid policy by CTInsideInvestigator
Vaccines can dramatically shorten the period of transmission post-infection.
Yes, vaccinations are a very important tool to reducing transmission rates.
1234nameuser t1_iy38djs wrote
Reply to Her Choice: One exceptional student’s stand against UConn’s Covid policy by CTInsideInvestigator
lols, maybe her mom should've taught her more about vaccines during homeschooling
It was a very simple testing regime for her to comply with in order for her to continuing to endanger the public at large while attending school, NOT rocket science by any means.
1234nameuser t1_ixsizka wrote
Reply to How Do You Clean Your Leaves? by MongooseProXC
I don't touch them, they don't clean up after me.
1234nameuser t1_ixkt5kp wrote
What a dumbass, trying to drive straight from FL to CT at 71. Didn't say anything about his speed or if had a 2nd driver.
Scary shit at 4am in the morning.
1234nameuser t1_ixk2aim wrote
Reply to Commute from CT to Boston. by Lucky-Front7675
Good luck, ur gonna need it
1234nameuser t1_ixh7evn wrote
Reply to comment by dumbthrow33 in RI is getting legal weed shops before CT. by UptownDonkey
exactly, at least dealers spend locally, all my money is going straight out of state right now
1234nameuser t1_ixh70ai wrote
Reply to comment by Stop_Already in RI is getting legal weed shops before CT. by UptownDonkey
It's funny how much CT residents pay to offset their carbon footprints through fee's / etc. and then it's like yeah, just go drive 2 hours at 80mph like everyone else.
Multiply that by a couple hundred thousands trips and there's a lot of little johnny boy's that will have respiratory issues thanks to everyone driving to MA for pickups.
1234nameuser t1_ixh6vta wrote
Shame they didn't let the Reservations open up shop like NY has.
Should be able to pick up from the Mohegan by now.
1234nameuser t1_ixh5tqh wrote
"“It’s just weak to pass the buck and have a total ban,” said Burke. “It eliminates the conversation forever.”"
Thank god, no disrespect to anyone, but a flag pole should not be a "conversation piece".
Cities should be focused on protecting themselves from liability / nuisances and instituting inclusive policies where they're actually needed.
1234nameuser t1_iwzqtq5 wrote
Reply to comment by NKevros in Saturday Morning email from State rep Harry Arora about increases in electricity and natural gas prices by mynameisnotshamus
To be fair, a hell of a lot people have been killed needlessly because some hypocrites would rather oil be moved by rail.
1234nameuser OP t1_izf5xsj wrote
Reply to comment by BeachAdjacent in Heating Usage / Indoor Winter Temp Check-in by 1234nameuser
Thanks, hit all this up in early November and saw a big improvement compared to October.
Doorframes are our biggest problem and will never understand why I have a full glass back door with a screen door when it's regularly below freezing.