1600hazenstreet t1_iuf7xty wrote
Reply to NYC’s new subway crime crackdown is underway but NYers are not convinced it will work by PichuLovy
Saw a lady with small child openly smoking a blunt in subway station. i guess they only care about violent crimes and everything else is okay.
1600hazenstreet t1_iuaur7j wrote
Reply to comment by The_Question757 in Ex NYC Transit president Sarah Feinberg sucker punched in unprovoked Manhattan attack by jhovudu1
Don’t worry. She won’t be suffering from any psychological trauma.
1600hazenstreet t1_iu2qvd7 wrote
So the city wants to legalize death traps and use taxpayer funds to make these places meet existing COO requirements, due to overcrowding causing by rent control. Sounds like another fine government solution.
1600hazenstreet t1_iu00fxa wrote
Meals on wheels.
1600hazenstreet t1_itxal5j wrote
Reply to Woman with a box cutter strips naked and tries to break into a Deli in Manhattan. by netpoints
Link without paywall?
1600hazenstreet t1_itsungj wrote
Reply to New York City appeals judge's ruling that could reinstate fired unvaccinated employees by ILikeTalkn2Myself
Government just got wrecked. Too bad taxpayers will foot the bill and not the folks who made these stupid mandates.
1600hazenstreet t1_itqbxjh wrote
Reply to Manhattan D.A. to prosecute domestic violence victim for murder after saying it wasn’t murder by ioioioshi
Battered women syndrome.
1600hazenstreet t1_is3uwyj wrote
Reply to Bodega owners band together with $50K fund to help shops recoup losses after looting by NYY657545
Maybe include restitution in their penalty after they have been convicted.
1600hazenstreet t1_irpfbrs wrote
Reply to TIFU by PersimmonWestern151
Post a pic of the unmentionable.
1600hazenstreet t1_ivz1z6k wrote
Reply to DOT painted a parking spot in a crosswalk at 5th Ave & 10th St by nicwolff
No one was fired for this mistake.