1800TurdFerguson t1_j6op17t wrote
As long as you’re not performing any surgeries in the afternoon, I’d say a lot of steak and drunk are what you should get for lunch. Probably take the afternoon off from your job to be safe.
1800TurdFerguson t1_j6ooql2 wrote
Reply to comment by Zoroasker in Anyone miss the old DC? by sg8910
Where? Foggy Bottom? Petworth? What was considered a white working class neighborhood in Old DC?
1800TurdFerguson t1_j6olaak wrote
Reply to comment by unenlightenedgoblin in Anyone miss the old DC? by sg8910
Has there ever been a white working class neighborhood in DC? Serious question. Maybe late 19th century? Georgetown and its shipyards and mills were a separate city until 1871. Even then it was in a state of decline, at least from a commercial perspective. DC didn’t crack 100K in population until the 1860s.
DC grew rapidly in the first half of the 20th century, but what was the breakdown between blue and white collar population growth? I’d suspect if was more the latter than the former.
1800TurdFerguson t1_j6oizvp wrote
Reply to comment by rectalhorror in Anyone miss the old DC? by sg8910
I’ve seen sex workers on 12th, 14th and on K Street within the last decade.
1800TurdFerguson t1_j63gjt9 wrote
Reply to comment by folstar in IBM Cuts 3,900 Jobs In Latest Tech Layoffs by itsonlyeva
Ramen is what I’m going to say at the end the next time I have to join a prayer. Thanks for that laugh.
I predict we’ll have AI’s of famous jurists duking it out on SCOTUS by the 2060. We’ll have Scalia and RBG going at it again, with Berger and Powell trying to build a consensus.
1800TurdFerguson t1_j6019hi wrote
Reply to comment by folstar in IBM Cuts 3,900 Jobs In Latest Tech Layoffs by itsonlyeva
I’m not sure whether your comment about being unnecessarily rude was directed at me or at vegdeg, but I think it’s high time we put Friedman’s thoughts on shareholder value in the same grave he inhabits. It’s an incredibly short-sighted and unsustainable ideal, and as an economic theory it’s been shown to be increasingly unworkable. The pendulum between regulation and deregulation has swung back and forth throughout American history, but never has corporate America been better positioned to halt the swing of the pendulum back into a more restrictive position. The American public is by and large unable to do anything to stop the incessant extraction of value from them by corporations and the financial markets.
1800TurdFerguson t1_j6004rb wrote
Reply to comment by Tearakan in IBM Cuts 3,900 Jobs In Latest Tech Layoffs by itsonlyeva
Except it’s not something that we’ve collectively agreed upon. We sat and watched as Congress deregulated the financial industry and markets, and then sat on the sidelines as the public at large was further abstracted from the levers of power. Now we shrug our shoulders, throw up our hands, and exclaim exasperatedly as all manners of corporate fuckery go unmonitored and unpunished.
1800TurdFerguson t1_j5zuqlz wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in IBM Cuts 3,900 Jobs In Latest Tech Layoffs by itsonlyeva
Delete your account. Go herd sheep in New Zealand or something. There’s nothing superfluous in what I wrote. I’m sorry that you can’t grasp that.
1800TurdFerguson t1_j5zmfd3 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in IBM Cuts 3,900 Jobs In Latest Tech Layoffs by itsonlyeva
> What part of companies exist to make shareholders > money do you not understand.
We understand it, but I don’t think you do. It’s not an issue that companies exist to make shareholders money. It’s that they only exist to maximize shareholder value, emphasizing short-term profits over everything else…corporate citizenship, sustainability, and long-term growth. This is the dystopian Friedman-esque future financial deregulators wanted.
We substitute Wall Street as a stand-in for the broader public, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Wall Street is no more representative of the population at large than Friends was of 20/30-somethings in NYC. Wall Street is a collection of very wealthy individuals and institutions that exist solely to facilitate the mass transfer of wealth upward. It’s not Fred and Barbara in the suburbs who are constantly pushing to extract every dollar in value possible. It might be the financial institution that holds Fred and Barbara’s retirement funds, but they’d push Fred and Barbara out the door in a second if it meant an infinitesimal amount of increased value at that moment for this mutual and exchange-traded funds.
1800TurdFerguson t1_j5z2syw wrote
Reply to comment by jbkurz1 in where can I find the best jar of kosher pickles in DC? by IrememberXenogears
That’s a bummer. I remember when their Silver Spring location closed after like 70 years. There’s still a location in Germantown, but I think it’s under different ownership.
1800TurdFerguson t1_j5yq870 wrote
With Number One Sons closing, your best bet is to head out to Silver Spring or Rockville and get some pickles at Parkway Deli, Woodside, or Attman's (or one of the other delis in the area.
1800TurdFerguson t1_j5yks0v wrote
Reply to comment by Swampoodle1984 in 15 year old arrested for eight carjackings by Swampoodle1984
Sorry, not buying it. I'm guessing you're on the payroll of Faux News, the Faily Wire, or one of the constellation of Koch-funded "think tanks" or "non-profits", and part of your job is to foment unrest in the sub as part of your "social media/web producer" job.
1800TurdFerguson t1_j5ygu77 wrote
Reply to comment by ballastboy1 in 15 year old arrested for eight carjackings by Swampoodle1984
Hello, OP sockpuppet account who was created earlier this year and seemingly only comments on crime posts.
1800TurdFerguson t1_j5yeltp wrote
Is all OP does is post reports about crime in the District?
1800TurdFerguson t1_j5vi15o wrote
Reply to comment by GenericReditAccount in The 100 Very Best Restaurants in Washington, DC (full list) by lynsea
The problem with that is you lose some of the ethnic enclaves and Metro accessible locations north of the Beltway in Maryland. Wheaton has great Thai and ramen restaurants. The North Bethesda to Rockville corridor is where so many of the good Chinese restaurants are.
1800TurdFerguson t1_j5vhfcs wrote
Reply to comment by thekingoftherodeo in The 100 Very Best Restaurants in Washington, DC (full list) by lynsea
The Inn at Little Washington is south of Front Royal, and is perennially included on these lists.
1800TurdFerguson t1_j5s7a6k wrote
Reply to comment by SuccotashNumerous461 in [OC] Rolling average location of CFB football champions by Lexington49
Not quite. The champions for the 2003, 2004, and 2005 seasons were LSU, USC, and Texas.
ETA that Oklahoma and Ohio State were the 2000 and 2002 champions.
1800TurdFerguson t1_j5g5qjq wrote
Reply to comment by AUniquePerspective in A woman who got wasted at a Marilyn Manson concert blew up $15 million worth of property. She's suing the company that served her. by end_of_rainbow
The lead singer of Ontario-based band Single Mothers called London the armpit of the province.
1800TurdFerguson t1_j2cdyz5 wrote
Reply to I'm looking for an upscale lunch place to take my girlfriend's dad before proposing by Puzzleheaded-Ad-1877
Oceannaire Room is nice and has a broad range of options.
1800TurdFerguson t1_j296llf wrote
Reply to comment by absorberemitter in Where do I find the best pumpernickel bagels in DC? by Macrophage87
Excellent bagels. Also, if you’re going to Silver Spring, Parkway Deli carries them.
I don’t remember if Calvert Woodley carries them, but OP can check either there or Bread Furst if they’re in the Van Ness area.
1800TurdFerguson t1_j20vo06 wrote
Reply to comment by TastyLemonzzz in Best chicken sandwich in the DMV? by jsnowman97
The Hot Tiger chicken sandwich at Lucky Buns is the best I’ve ever had.
1800TurdFerguson t1_j1rdvq2 wrote
Reply to comment by MaeBelleLien in is American horror story still good? by outkastmemesdaily
Bruh, take my upvote and leave.
1800TurdFerguson t1_j1r2hx3 wrote
Was it ever? I feel like the show had its “Jump the Shark” moment in Season 1 with Dermott McDermott and his “crybaiting” scene. AHS: Coven was entertaining because of Cathy Bates, but I haven’t liked any other season sufficiently to finish one.
1800TurdFerguson t1_j0ukarh wrote
Reply to comment by WinkyTheFrog in Pandora Moving North American Headquarters From Baltimore to NYC by mightyIllusion
They could also sub-lease it. Maybe they’ll stick around, as they have other offices and facilities in the area. I’m skeptical because it’s typically not a great sign when a company moves its HQ out of state.
1800TurdFerguson t1_j6p40w4 wrote
Reply to comment by unenlightenedgoblin in Anyone miss the old DC? by sg8910
But those white working class populations were often ethnic enclaves. Look at Boston or Chicago. One of the largest mass lynchings was perpetrated against Italians in New Orleans. The Crescent City has a long history of various white ethnic groups migrating to the city - Greeks, Italians, Irish, Slavs (mostly Croats). I’m not that aware of DC’s early industrial history, but I’m not aware of the city having those kinds of ethnic population centers.