1800TurdFerguson t1_iy91yhq wrote
Reply to It’s Giving Tuesday. I would like to donate to some local causes. I typically donate to Healthcare for the Homeless. Any other recommendations for local organizations that really make an impact? by beachie841
Franciscan Center of Baltimore runs a soup kitchen, helps unhoused and those facing homelessness with help with medical supplies and prescriptions, and offers STI testing.
1800TurdFerguson t1_iy6k4qy wrote
Reply to comment by infusedpineapple in Where to dispose meds near south balti? by infusedpineapple
Kaiser pharmacies recycle medication. You don’t need to be a member to walk into a medical center.
1800TurdFerguson t1_iu3fuup wrote
Reply to Is House Title Fraud and Squatting in Vacant homes to sub-lease it out common in DC? by Bikerrrrrrr
Contact Marissa Lang at Washington Post or Alex Koma at City Paper with the evidence you’ve gathered. I don’t think this is common, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s happening.
1800TurdFerguson t1_j0ue81z wrote
Reply to Pandora Moving North American Headquarters From Baltimore to NYC by mightyIllusion
How much you want to bet that they close the Baltimore office in 2024?