214ObstructedReverie t1_j7gapos wrote
People don't care.
Hell, most of us have probably fantasized about running over those asshole cyclists that blow off red lights and stop signs
214ObstructedReverie t1_j6pfr0w wrote
Reply to comment by Spangle99 in What's Your Pick From 2023 Anticipated TV Shows? Which Show Do You Want to Add in This List? by andreagabrie
Hopefully that comes out in 2023.
214ObstructedReverie t1_j6lj0nc wrote
Reply to comment by AlphaBoob69 in What’s actually a good/tolerable example of retconning? by unitedfan6191
That damned Quantum Mirror...
214ObstructedReverie t1_j6livj6 wrote
Reply to comment by grandmofftalkin in What’s actually a good/tolerable example of retconning? by unitedfan6191
(It was O'Neil in the movie)
214ObstructedReverie t1_j6i1xok wrote
Reply to comment by Rusty_Ferberger in weather in NJ by xrt679
I street park in Jersey City.
Fuck snow. This is fantastic.
214ObstructedReverie t1_j6c38y2 wrote
214ObstructedReverie t1_j2dqjhf wrote
Reply to comment by twanzetters in No thanks to Amy DeGuise! by henry_sqared
I know, right? She didn't even stop to make sure she finished the guy off.
That kind of laziness is inexcusable for an elected leader.
214ObstructedReverie t1_j28hunb wrote
Reply to comment by NewLoseIt in A path train to GRO? by allergat0r
That's actually Hoboken, but for some reason they stop by Grove Street first without opening the doors.
214ObstructedReverie t1_j1wg900 wrote
Reply to comment by Shepard521 in The most upsetting TV cancellations of 2022 by sundaynightheat99
I thought the Necromancer would make a good c'tan shard proxy for 40k. I should print one...
214ObstructedReverie t1_j1uomxt wrote
Reply to comment by jaylen_browns_beard in Helping out other human beings, until after we've hit one with our car by Iconospastic
You used "your" instead of "you're".
Not a good look to accuse people of being dumb while making basic grammar errors.
214ObstructedReverie t1_j1udehu wrote
Reply to comment by jaylen_browns_beard in Helping out other human beings, until after we've hit one with our car by Iconospastic
His just dumb what?
214ObstructedReverie t1_j1e7uv6 wrote
Reply to comment by civemaybe in The US economy grew much faster than previously thought in the third quarter by barrinmw
The kinds of banks that Glass-Steagel prevented from existing (combo deposit and investment) actually fared better (due to their more diversified assets) in the 2008 crash than those that would have been allowed anyway.
It's much better to blame the Secondary Mortgage Market Engagement Act of 1984 from Reagan.
That bill allowed AA rates mortgage backed securities to be treated like securities, but did jack all to ensure that they were being rated properly. As a result, the system got poisoned by junk mortgage securities being thrown around as if they were as safe as government bonds.
214ObstructedReverie t1_j0ihqvf wrote
Reply to comment by p4177y in PATH train...on Rt 1-9? by malina118
I've seen them moving cars on the little 3E local section in Secaucus right before 1-9.
214ObstructedReverie t1_iydvba3 wrote
Reply to comment by be-like-water-2022 in What did you watch every Saturday morning as a kid? by Calm-Hovercraft9858
Are you me? That's pretty much the exact list that I remember.
214ObstructedReverie t1_iyahkpb wrote
Reply to comment by 101ina45 in Is there really no way to walk from JC to Manhattan? by XIFOD1M
Getting a fine got that is a bit underkill. Just make it on the spot execution.
214ObstructedReverie t1_iy5xum6 wrote
Reply to comment by arca650 in Let's talk about Supremo Supermarket in The Heights. by my_rationale
That's a shame. I used to live back there close to them like 10 years ago, and I recall their produce section being pretty solid.
The meat section was always shit.
Some things change, others stay the same.
The Heights needs better grocery stores. Stop and Shop is like 1/3 of the size it needs to be. I usually go up to Food Bazaar and ShopRite up JFK.
214ObstructedReverie t1_ixvtei5 wrote
Reply to comment by boojieboy666 in As a lifelong Bergen resident: Fuck Google Maps. Yeah, it's only 8 miles, but you try making the trip from Bergenfield to Yonkers just to get kielbasa. And this happens with any store, not just Polish delis. Sidenote: Does anyone know a good place to get Kielbasa near Bergen? by BootPastaHeroin
214ObstructedReverie t1_ixv5xt6 wrote
Reply to comment by gordonv in As a lifelong Bergen resident: Fuck Google Maps. Yeah, it's only 8 miles, but you try making the trip from Bergenfield to Yonkers just to get kielbasa. And this happens with any store, not just Polish delis. Sidenote: Does anyone know a good place to get Kielbasa near Bergen? by BootPastaHeroin
JC used to have Jola Deli, but they just closed a couple months ago. :(
214ObstructedReverie t1_ixv5efi wrote
Reply to comment by boojieboy666 in As a lifelong Bergen resident: Fuck Google Maps. Yeah, it's only 8 miles, but you try making the trip from Bergenfield to Yonkers just to get kielbasa. And this happens with any store, not just Polish delis. Sidenote: Does anyone know a good place to get Kielbasa near Bergen? by BootPastaHeroin
The one in Jersey City just closed :(
214ObstructedReverie t1_ixkoaxd wrote
Reply to comment by HappyArtichoke7729 in How much are people paying for internet around here? by jaeme
It's actually much slower than it used to be.
15 years ago, we had like 8/8 SDSL, and it ran pretty well.
But over the years, it steadily got worse, even though they advertise it as faster. They're now getting like 3/0.5 actual speeds.
Same ISP. Used to be "Warwick Online" back when I lived up there a billion years ago, but it's gone through a few acquisitions, and it seems to get worse every time I go up.
214ObstructedReverie t1_ixkkefg wrote
Reply to comment by HappyArtichoke7729 in How much are people paying for internet around here? by jaeme
I can't imagine 35meg upload in 2022, working from home, cloud storage, etc....
Oh wait, I can imagine it. I have to visit my parents tomorrow in northwestern bumblefuck, with like 3 megabit download.
214ObstructedReverie t1_ixjrelf wrote
Verizon finally ended my triple play discount, so I gave up TV.
It's now $90/mo for gigabit fios. I wish it was a bit cheaper.
I just looked it up. That 1200mb xfinity plan was 35meg upload? That's real bullshit. I get like 800 on fios.
214ObstructedReverie t1_ixihegc wrote
Reply to comment by badquarter in First time ever getting stuck at the 1-9 lift bridge to Kearny by JCwhatimsayin
I got caught at the Wittpenn bridge a few times. Luckily, the new one is much higher, so they don't have to open it as often.
214ObstructedReverie t1_iww7yud wrote
Reply to comment by AnimeRainMan in Pacific Avenue is finally--FINALLY--getting paved. by stf210
PSEG will beat them to it.
Shitty asphalt mounds in two weeks.
214ObstructedReverie t1_j7gcym0 wrote
Reply to comment by lucke0204 in RALLY TODAY: 5:30pm at City Hall. Tell Mayor Fulop Amy DeGise must go! by lucke0204
What can I say? I like her hardcore tough-on-cyclists policies.