21_MushroomCupcakes t1_iyesd4n wrote
Reply to ELI5 how did natural selection not beat lgbt by AmgdeG
Gays aren't infertile, and straight couples can produce gay children.
Natural Selection reinforced it, that's why it exists.
21_MushroomCupcakes t1_iy4olnj wrote
Reply to comment by unlikemike123 in eli5 How is computer memory deleted? by unlikemike123
Stuff that's "marked for overwrite" isn't counted against total capacity.
I would just like to make the distinction that memory and storage are not the same thing, memory is your RAM and storage is your hard drive.
Many people are using them interchangeably, which will run aground if memory addresses ever come up.
21_MushroomCupcakes t1_ixr841k wrote
Back then, for every one guy on the front, there were 20+ people behind him carrying supplies or otherwise acting in a support role.
Nowadays it's more like 8 to 1.
21_MushroomCupcakes t1_ixnevnn wrote
Reply to comment by NTIASAAHMLGTTUD in Imagine An AGI is made today and is run on a quantum computer. by Particular_Leader_16
"What's going to happen if..."
"We don't know, we live in literally unprecedented times."
"Well yeah, but what's gonna happen?"
"For fuck's sake..."
21_MushroomCupcakes t1_ixkxwwk wrote
Reply to comment by foundfrogs in ELI5: Why couldn't something that says "Cook at 400 degrees for 15 minutes" theoretically be cooked at 6000 degrees for 1 minute? by BitchImLilBaby
Ooh that's a good one for this sub.
21_MushroomCupcakes t1_iwr7i5e wrote
Reply to When does an individual's death occur if the biological brain is gradually replaced by synthetic neurons? by NefariousNaz
I think it's a matter of how gradually it's done.
If you do them all at once, then you're dead and something that just thinks is you is walking around.
But if you do them slowly over a period of weeks, then that gradual transition makes the end product still you.
21_MushroomCupcakes t1_iwhg7du wrote
Reply to comment by tiberius-Erasmus in A typical thought process by Kaarssteun
Carbon footprint?
21_MushroomCupcakes t1_iu5ntak wrote
Reply to If you were performing a Turing test to a super advanced AI, which kind of conversations or questions would you try to know if you are chatting with a human or an AI? by Roubbes
"If you immediately know the candlelight is fire, then the meal was cooked a long time ago."
21_MushroomCupcakes t1_iu3itax wrote
Reply to comment by Skittles_the_Unicorn in ELI5: How come sushi is safe to eat but normal raw fish isn't? by Thylocine
The egg salad sandwich is the one you're looking for.
21_MushroomCupcakes t1_iu1qn77 wrote
Are you sure you're not thinking of the Mormon idea that indigenous Americans are lost tribes of Israel?
They also think the Garden of Eden is in Missouri, so I would take what they say with a grain of salt.
^(e: Don't tell me this guy confused Native Americans with African Americans...)
21_MushroomCupcakes t1_itsyquy wrote
Reply to Why do people talk about the Heat Death of the universe as if it's inevitable? by [deleted]
Because (AFAIK) we don't yet have any good reason to presume the universe will progress any other way.
There's a finite amount of energy in the universe, and the universe appears to be continually expanding, ergo eventually all that energy would be too far apart for meaningful heat to exist.
-not a cosmologist
21_MushroomCupcakes t1_is00095 wrote
Reply to comment by Longjumping_Kale1 in Quantum windows mean machines can see millions of colours by Apart_Shock
My kink is deprecation, so it works out.
21_MushroomCupcakes t1_irus5hn wrote
Reply to comment by VitaminPb in Quantum windows mean machines can see millions of colours by Apart_Shock
Yeah, just in case mine falls off.
A real double-bagger, that lady.
21_MushroomCupcakes t1_irsofjj wrote
Reply to comment by Rumianti6 in Why does everyone assume that AI will be conscious? by Rumianti6
Your repeated projection is boring and tedious.
21_MushroomCupcakes t1_irsgatk wrote
Reply to comment by Rumianti6 in Why does everyone assume that AI will be conscious? by Rumianti6
You are implying it is some magic sauce, you just won't define it or admit it.
You need to explain why something is dumb, not just assert it and expect us to run with it. Otherwise it's assumed you're a know-nothing arguing purely from incredulity.
If we don't know (which you later clarified as one of your points), you can't draw a definitive conclusion one way or the other.
Your analogies could use some work, regardless of how "direct" you feel they are. It's okay, I'm terrible with them too.
And maybe be a little less douchey in your responses, people are trying to have legitimate dialogue and you're being a bit of a tool about it.
21_MushroomCupcakes t1_iraqscq wrote
Reply to comment by BassWingerC-137 in Nearly 2 out of 3 people canceled a video streaming service in the last year by matthevva
Eventually all the streaming services will be rebundled into Super Cable.
21_MushroomCupcakes t1_iqoctdg wrote
Reply to Serious question: Why does so many want to fix aging? Without radically changing the economy, this basically makes you into a slave that can never retire or die from age. by [deleted]
Some collect a pension, I'm down for free government money forever.
And yes, retirement would probably transform as a result.
21_MushroomCupcakes t1_iz0xjuj wrote
Reply to comment by Tip_Odde in Google says they have made a significant advance in allowing humans to communicate with robots using natural language, and claim an "order of magnitude" increase in capabilities over previous approaches. by lughnasadh
Everyone is stupid at least some of the time.