
21_MushroomCupcakes t1_iy4olnj wrote

Stuff that's "marked for overwrite" isn't counted against total capacity.

I would just like to make the distinction that memory and storage are not the same thing, memory is your RAM and storage is your hard drive.

Many people are using them interchangeably, which will run aground if memory addresses ever come up.


21_MushroomCupcakes t1_irsgatk wrote

You are implying it is some magic sauce, you just won't define it or admit it.

You need to explain why something is dumb, not just assert it and expect us to run with it. Otherwise it's assumed you're a know-nothing arguing purely from incredulity.

If we don't know (which you later clarified as one of your points), you can't draw a definitive conclusion one way or the other.

Your analogies could use some work, regardless of how "direct" you feel they are. It's okay, I'm terrible with them too.

And maybe be a little less douchey in your responses, people are trying to have legitimate dialogue and you're being a bit of a tool about it.