22Starter22 t1_j8b5ez8 wrote
Reply to Will AI accelerate or enable the treatment or cure of developmental conditions/psychiatric disorders in this decade? by thedogbreathvariatio
Sure, you might be able to cure and give way better treatment. But just remember, how long do you want to live for and do you want to accelerate the aging population around the world?
22Starter22 t1_ixc4ze9 wrote
Reply to ‘Without enough Latvians, we won’t be Latvia’: eastern Europe’s shrinking population | Latvia’s population is 30% smaller than it was in 1990 and by 2050 numbers will be in decline in over half of Europe’s 52 countries. by mossadnik
I myself have been envisioning a world with about 1 billion in the future. But how do we get there, I'll leave that thought up to you... I know how I would do it
22Starter22 t1_iwyq3rf wrote
Reply to US can reach 100% clean power by 2035, DOE finds, but tough reliability and land use questions lie ahead by nastratin
Not if the US keeps spending trillions of dollar more on endless wars, they won't 🙄
22Starter22 t1_j8b5n0x wrote
Reply to Humans are struggling to trust robots and forgive mistakes by Gari_305
I would rather a robot destroy humans than humans destroying humans