2spicy4dapepper t1_j9qlfge wrote
I mean they didn’t just find a bow and arrow on the ground one day. Of course someone brought it there
2spicy4dapepper t1_iw13ovg wrote
Reply to comment by Fimpish in Studio Ghibli and Lucasfilm's 'Zen - Grogu and Dust Bunnies' Arrives on Disney+ Tomorrow, November 12 by MarvelsGrantMan136
Oh Ive clearly completely forgot where they were in spirited away. Time for a rewatch :)
2spicy4dapepper t1_iw0xf2m wrote
Reply to comment by nurdboy42 in Studio Ghibli and Lucasfilm's 'Zen - Grogu and Dust Bunnies' Arrives on Disney+ Tomorrow, November 12 by MarvelsGrantMan136
My neighbour Totoro
2spicy4dapepper t1_jabmpfw wrote
Reply to comment by Wishilikedhugs in The Pied Piper (OC) by LeeroyM
Needs more vaguely orc shaped figures waving swords