31November t1_iwy6rd1 wrote
Reply to comment by w00dm4n in Allentown becomes 2nd city in Pa. to make declawing cats illegal by fireside_blather
Animal abuse was illegal long before Donald, but the definition of what counts as abuse has gradually broadened.
31November t1_ivq0dvf wrote
Reply to comment by _token_black in Do you think the Senate Election would have gone differently if the Democrat candidate was like Oz and the Republican Candidate was like Fetterman ? by WarHead17
That makes sense now that I wikipedia'd the 2004 DNC Thanks!
31November t1_ivq0bbf wrote
Reply to comment by No-Professional-1884 in Do you think the Senate Election would have gone differently if the Democrat candidate was like Oz and the Republican Candidate was like Fetterman ? by WarHead17
I knew he was green, but I didn't know about the 04. Thanks!
31November t1_ivoqa72 wrote
Reply to comment by No-Professional-1884 in Do you think the Senate Election would have gone differently if the Democrat candidate was like Oz and the Republican Candidate was like Fetterman ? by WarHead17
Was Obama well known pre 2008?
I wasn’t old enough to care about politics, but I was under the impression that he was a law professor and just a junior senator before running, not a big shot?
31November t1_ivjo579 wrote
Reply to comment by CharacterBrief9121 in was asked to confirm my address before voting. not a big deal but never heard of that by rogerjohnson11111
Are you calling me MAGA?
Also, I’m not offended or bothered by you. I’m telling you that you’re being an asshole.
Trolling is meant to offend or get an emotional reaction. You’re not getting that, so now you’re just being a dick, so I’m telling you to stop
31November t1_ivjl4q7 wrote
Reply to comment by Woodyee101 in Absentee ballot never received, what to do? Not possible to do in person. by sachmogoat
And if you’re republican snowflake, you can complain to the court 60 times about it and lose every time ❤️
31November t1_ivjktxj wrote
Reply to comment by CharacterBrief9121 in was asked to confirm my address before voting. not a big deal but never heard of that by rogerjohnson11111
Get out of here with that attitude, dick.
31November t1_ius6x2w wrote
Reply to comment by KenMacMillan123 in $10 a day for jury pay is absurd if Pennsylvania says they are holding fair trials. by Jazzlike_Breadfruit9
You people say this over and over.
As a person who went from being a nobody to being “essential” to being called greedy for unionizing, all you “just get a better job” types are absolutely just bootlicking the rich without any real policy ideas.
Fuck off.
31November t1_iu4sw61 wrote
Reply to comment by Away_Swimming_5757 in what to do when witnessing a person threatening people on the train by am_pomegranate
That’s totally fair, but I would still be concerned with collateral damage (is that the right term?)
If somebody actually laid their hands on a teen or kid or elderly person, though, Or if it is a truly empty car I think I’m more okay with pepper spray. It’s all situational, ya know? I don’t know how I’d react if I was attacked in SEPTA.
I know there are unbreakable umbrellas that are like a baton but basically a heavy duty umbrella. I’ve thought about getting one for safety before moving here to go to Temple.
31November t1_iu4o6og wrote
Reply to comment by Away_Swimming_5757 in what to do when witnessing a person threatening people on the train by am_pomegranate
In an enclosed subway car?
31November t1_itha6ah wrote
Reply to comment by PensiveLog in Double edged question regarding the gun violence in Philadelphia. by SpoonTomb
This is a good distinction. There's a difference between the NRA and most members.
I dislike most NRA members, but I can at least acknowledge that most do support higher gun control
31November t1_isgr7au wrote
The bigger the cock statue, the smaller the real pecker
31November t1_isc5456 wrote
Reply to comment by AbsentEmpire in Penn students face disciplinary hearings for campus protests by dotcom-jillionaire
A lot of people don't understand image. I get it: You have the right to say catchy but inaccurate slogans, make broad statements, dye yourself different colors, tattoo your face, and have 7 piercings per ear. I think that's really a cool look, tbh.
But, if you do that, you should not be representing a movement that needs to appeal to people in the center of the political spectrum. The left needs to learn political messaging, and we need to present ourselves like we want to have a seat at the table.
It sucks that we get judged by our looks and not our ideas, but that's the world we live in.
31November t1_iqyg5m5 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in U.S. Supreme Court rejects challenge to Pennsylvania electoral map by Strategic_Prussian
Your only critique is changing his name to say “Fatterman” instead of “Fetterman.”
That’s a middle-school level attempt at an insult. Get a policy platform or leave the room so the adults can have a real conversation.
31November t1_iqyeiey wrote
Reply to comment by Reynard1981 in U.S. Supreme Court rejects challenge to Pennsylvania electoral map by Strategic_Prussian
If you have to resort to fat shaming, you’ve already lost.
Gtfo loser
31November t1_ixo2zkc wrote
Reply to comment by Nexis4Jersey in Two Philly developers think Atlantic City can look more like Amsterdam with the help of a $3 billion housing development by Dryheavemorning
Even just basic investment in Camden would be nice. Trees and shade on the sidewalks along the coast, a few parks, and a few more nice things to do near Rutgers. Small quality of life things to make Camden’s waterfront more pedestrian-friendly would go a long way for relatively cheap.
They make it unwalkable to keep the poor out, but they don’t realize the tourists they also keep out